Blood Donation – A+

Image borrowed from THIS siteI recently just discovered that I was an A+ - I always thought that since I have a twin brother, whatever his blood type - is…

Nihonbashitei – Malate

I have finally tasted the BEST gyoza!!InteriorsMy Panget and I found it on NIHONBASHI TEI in Malate.The place looks fairly new and authentic. Why do I say authentic? Well, because…

WINNER: Sassa Bikini Contest – Jodilein!!

CONGRATULATIONS Jodilein!!You've just won a two-piece Sassa Bikini!!Here's how picked #9 on the list of comments:Please check you email Jodilein! :)Thank you to all those who joined!!(even if there…

Win a Sassa Bikini CONTEST!!

Photo grabbed from know the timing is odd - since its not yet summer..But what the heck!! Hahaha..I won on Jayvee's Sassa Bikini contest on his blog. Since I've…

Disappointed with Dinelli

I've heard so many good things about Dinelli.Good selection, good food, good price and since it was near my area - good location as well!Last Saturday night - together with…

Frannywanny : GOOD LUCK!!!

Grabbed from BetweenBitesI'm wishing Frannywanny the BEST of luck for the Philippine Blog Awards this evening. You deserve the nomination - and I think you deserve the crown as well!!…


Sorry for the delay..My internet connection has been touch and go..Please be patient as I'm sure - this weekend, the post will be up!!Thanks for waiting! :)Congratulations to the winners!!