Just this morning – I made a Plurk/Tweet that I wanted to have a Turkey dinner. I’ve been secretly wanting to make one – but was always overwhelmed with the preparations and the size! I can only dream of making one. I was honestly thinking of buying a cooked bird, and inviting friends over to share the feast! Then, one of my friends Bny, commented on my Plurk/Tweet that he wanted a Turducken.

I thought I was reading wrong – turducken? What the hell was that? Thank goodness for Google! A Turducken – simply put is a chicken in a duck in a turkey!

Now – where did that come from? Like you, it’s the first time for me to hear this and first time for me to research about it! After reading through a number of articles – I immediately declared that indeed, a turducken is much more yummier than a roast turkey!

What’s better? Most everything of a turducken – i CAN eat!! Wooohoooo!!! πŸ™‚ This can be my ‘lechon‘! Hahaha.. πŸ™‚

My friend sent me an email – that got me really excited. Project: TURDUCKEN – the email said:

Hello friends with iron chef potential…

I am commissioning a TURDUCKEN.
I will be willing to pay for the ingredients and lend our oven if you need it and of course share the feast with you.
If you think you can make one please get in touch with me at your earliest convenience. If you know someone who can make one please forward this email to him or her.


If you would like to join this project as a sponsor please let me know as well.

This has got to be the project of the year! (after my wedding of course!)

I am so freaking excited!

Let’s make this happen!!

Let’s DO THIS!!


Any suggestions? Recipes? Tips?
Email me at candishhh (at) yahoo (dot) com



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