That Thing Called Tadhana

I have admitted time and time again that I like Pinoy movies. But I am choosy in picking which flick to watch. There are certain actors/actresses that I like and…

District 9: What the ?!?!

What the ?!?!This was my reaction for the first hour - I thought I was watching a documentary instead of a movie. And the aliens? Prawns??What the ?!?!The movie was…

Star Trek & JJ Abrams

Borrowed from THIS siteI have said this time and time again - and still, I say it now - JJ ABRAMS IS BRILLIANT!!I am HUGE HUGE fan of JJ Abrams,…


Borrowed from THIS sitePanget's mom has been convincing me for months to watch this movie. She said watching it may help me and my Panget in our future endeavor, that…

Definitely, Maybe

I don't remember where I saw the trailer of this movie, but when I saw it was a Ryan Reynolds - romantic comedy-ish flick - I knew I had to…