Thank you, Nora Daza!

I was startled when I saw a friend's status message on FB that said RIP Nora Daza. I was silenced. I've always said that it was because of the show…


Thanksgiving Turkey!Just this morning - I made a Plurk/Tweet that I wanted to have a Turkey dinner. I've been secretly wanting to make one - but was always overwhelmed with…


I think I might want to bake this weekend. I don't know why - but there's that certain tug that makes me want to bake something.. cupcakes or cookies maybe...…

Cupcake attempt #2

Last Saturday afternoon, I decided to make cupcakes again, and this time I did not forget to cool the cupcakes before frosting them! Yey! I used Cake Flour instead of…

Cupcakes: Attempt #1

I have been craving for cupcakes since I last visited Cupcakes by Sonja after Market Man's eyeball. Christine suggested that I make my own concoction to suffice my craving -…