Market Man’s EB

EDSA traffic - on a Saturday night en route to The FortGoing out on a Saturday night may cause headaches - why? Well, simply because everybody in the Metro WANTS…

I’m a Lumpia!!

I tried this test from Pinaygourmand's Blog Which Filipino Food Are You?Lumpia: a small fried eggroll filled with veggies and/or meat. Take this quiz!Quizilla |Join| Make A Quiz | More…

Excited, super duper excited!

I am super excited for tomorrow night's buffet dinner at Gourdo's! Finally, I will be meeting Market Man face-to-face. I have been a lurker of his blog for the past…

Grey’s Anatomy

Finally! I've decided to watch this show. Finally!! I've been told a dozen times by different people that this show is gooooood. But I never got myself to watch this…

The Prestige

Saw this last Sunday with my Panget, his brother and sis-in-law. I was told that this movie was great - that it had a lot of twist. My Panget's sister…

Addiction to….

I've been busy for the past few days (weeks actually) - I've been doing Bikram Yoga everyday, our internet connection as been on and off, work is kind of getting…

Alma Maters – matter?

When meeting people for this first time, one usually seeks the 6-degress of separation. We ask a lot of questions - throw in a lot of names - trying to…

Bikram Yoga Part 2

Yesterday afternoon, I attended my 2nd Bikram Yoga class. I went with my mom, I somehow convinced her to give it a try - since she saw how much I…