Excited, super duper excited!

I am super excited for tomorrow night’s buffet dinner at Gourdo’s! Finally, I will be meeting Market Man face-to-face. I have been a lurker of his blog for the past six months and I must say, I love his blog – I visit it almost everyday(actually, everyday..) – hoping that when I click on his link – I will be reading a new entry. At the same time, I will be able to put faces with the names of the other blogs that I frequent.

When I read that MM was entertaining thoughts of having a 2nd EB – I was delighted. I immediately sent an SMS to my good friend Jen (who I miss by the way…) asking her I she was game, to be honest – I don’t think I need to ask! She was deinitely game. Great! The plan is now close to perect! One thing left to do – and that is to convince my Panget to attend with me. I had to think of something, something great and unique – to try convince him to come with me. Good thing, the EB asked for the attendees to bring desserts – a dessert buffet. And so I told my Panget that Jen and I are going to attend a ‘dessert buffet’ organized by Market Man. Of course, when my Panget hears the word dessert – it clouds his judgement, thus – the perfect time to invite/manipulate him! And I was successful! I couldn’t believe it at first, but I was able to convince him to join Jen and I. Yipee!!

See you all tomorrow night!
I can’t wait!!!!

*Image was borrowed from Market Manila


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