Weeknight Routines for Starting the School Year Right

It can be hard getting back into the swing of things when a new school year rolls around. Between the end of the summer blues and the excitement for children to return to their friends and education, establishing a routine to help things go a bit more smoothly is important.

Making a steady schedule to ease the entire family’s weeknights will make the rest of the school year seem like a breeze so start incorporating this schedule as soon as you can.

After School Activities

After the school day concludes, your children may participate in after school activities like music lessons, soccer practice, or drama club. Regardless, once your kids arrive home be sure to give them an after-school snack.

If they had a hard practice or just got home from a busy day at school, refueling them to take on the rest of the day will help them finish off their day successfully. Try choosing a light but healthy snack like peanut butter and celery or a small piece of fruit.


Once the children are reenergized, it’s time for homework. Kids may put up a fight to complete their homework right away but it is essential to stick with this timeline.

Putting off homework later and later throughout the day just increases the chance that it won’t be completed. Plus, when homework is completed everyone will have a sense of relief and a bit more freedom to go about the rest of the night.


After homework is completed, reward children with the opportunity for playtime. Whether it be a physical activity outside, using sidewalk chalk, or simply relaxing. It’s important that kids are rewarded for good behavior and a job well done.

Use the benefit of having your kids finish their homework sooner as they’ll have more time to play. Just be sure to mention that it has to be done correctly so assignments aren’t poorly completed. This will hopefully motivate kids to not only focus on their homework but lessen the amount of push back with completing homework.


Now it’s time to gather the family for dinner. While not every dinner may be a traditional sit down meal as your family may be busy with sporting events or after school activities, do the best you can to have a sit down meal.

Before Bed

After everyone is fed, it’s time to wind down your night. Bath time, story time, and getting items and clothing gathered for the next day may be what you want to incorporate at this time.

Families in British Columbia strive off of their weeknight routines for smooth sailing throughout the week. Follow these tips to start your school year off on the right foot.

If you’re looking to relocate and begin your child’s school year at a new school, you’re most likely looking to do so before the school year starts. Homes for sale in Vancouver have plenty of great choices located within a friendly community.


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