#EnhancedCommunityQuarantine: Face Shield Making by XSFS Group

When the lockdown was imposed, most of us were confused.  I was confused.  It really was a half-assed plan to lockdown the capital.  But instead of using the word lockdown, they opted for a rather ‘friendlier’ word – I would have wished that they just written down a plan, studied it carefully and then announce it to the public.  But what happened was that – they just decided ‘Hey! Let’s do this and let’s just play it by ear’  When the setting is friends getting together or organizing a trip – that is quite alright, but when it’s a country, the Philippines you are handling – well, it’s a different ballgame altogether. I have been silent for a while really, because I wanted to give this administration a chance.  But this administration has been falling short of every low expectation that I put out.  They have constantly gave out excuses instead of solutions.  The president of the country has been absent in the important instances the country has faced.  It makes me really wonder, is the president truly alive and well?  He has his spokesman, Mr. Sap Sap, who ran for the sanate and won (I didn’t vote for him and I will NEVER vote for him) and yet – he just added being a Philippine Senator to his job description.  He  is still by the president’s side.  Anyway, with the new rules of the lock down – well, I was left with nothing to do really. So when a fellow mom in my XS Kinder group brought up the idea of making face shields, I took it as a sign and grabbed the opportunity to make myself productive.  I knew the government won’t step up and we the citizens need to do our part (since we have a shitty government).  It was the only kind of contribution that I can do and involve myself with.  So I volunteered together with other Xavier School moms, we didn’t know one another – but we bonded over making these face shield.  Charms was our leader and we let her lead, we listened, we sourced, we pooled connections and we worked.  We worked hard, some of us sourced materials, while some coordinated with hospitals that needed the face shield, most of us were assemblers like me.  The bottomline was – WE ALL WORKED AS ONE TEAM.  We put our efforts together because we wanted to help our medical frontliners.  We need to survive this pandemic.  We need to help these medical frontliners because without them, who will take care of us?

I am a proud member of the Xavier School Face Shield Group!  Our group has made over 17,000 pieces of face shield and distributed to so many hospitals in the metro.

Thank you to our donors, thank you to my fellow Xavier School parents, and most of all, our leader in this – THANK YOU Charms for allowing me to be part of this group.  I will always stand with you Charm, THANK YOU!!


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