Fitness Gourmet: Getting back in shape!

When I learned I was pregnant, one of the first things that came into mind was the weight gain.  I gained so much weight when I had Kailee that I haven’t had the chance to lose all of them yet.  Realistically speaking, I don’t think I would ever get back to my pre-pregnancy weight, and I am very much happy with how I am.  It’s just that I realize that my weight is affecting my lower back.  I remember reading somewhere that every pound we lose helps ease tension on our knees.

Two years ago, Ijoined the #MakeItFit program of #FitnessGourmetPH.  I lost weight.  So when they offered me another chance – I immediately said YES!  But there was a catch, I was breastfeeding.  But when Shobe turned one – well, I took the offer and jumped at the opportunity to lose weight, any weight.  I know for a fact that Fitness Gourmet serves good calorie counted food.  I’ve tried it before and I really enjoyed the journey. Here are just some of the meals that they served:

Every week, I would look forward to the meals that will be delivered.  I would always look at their Instagram account to check out what’s in store for the next week.  It was with this journey that I realized that I am partial to tomato based meals.  Hahaha!  I can’t believe that it took me years to discover that.  Hahaha!  I have this favorite dessert – the Ube Espasol.  I swear, it looked really odd – but when I tasted it – it was glorious!  I judged it, and I regret judging it.  It was really wonderful, I swear!

Everything looks good diba?  They taste good too!  I swear, there was no one meal that was served that I did not like.  Everything was great!  I’m beyond impressed and would recommend you guys to try FITNESS GOURMET PH out!  If you want to jumpstart your weight loss journey without having to go to the gym yet – then I suggest you contact them soon to try out their method.  I swear to you, it really works! My four week journey was not easy.  But I needed to do it.  And I am happy to say that I have lost 8lbs!  I know it’s 5lbs short of my previous try, but I will take it anytime.  I can’t imagine losing that same weight without the help of #FitnessGourmetPH.  It’s really really effective.  I am a living testament to that. I want to say THANK YOU to #FitnessGourmetPH for jumpstarting my ‘getting back into shape’ journey.  Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.


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