Favorite moments on Breaking Bad’s Felina


For those who haven’t seen the FELINA yet – please stop right here!!

I’m a Huge fan of the show.  I have to admit, I just started watching two months ago, and true enough – I finished the first three (3) seasons in two days.  Seasons 4 and 5 – well it took me a month (since the last 8 episodes of Season 5 only came out August 11)

So there.

I faced my fear and FINALLY decided to watch Breaking Bad’s series finale.  I loved it.  I loved it so much that I had to watch it TWICE!  I laughed, cried, laughed again and cried some more.  The finale was THE PERFECT ENDING to the show.  The brilliance and the passion were all present all throughout the finale.  The pacing was so wonderfully in sync with the whole episode – it set the tone of redemption for me.  Start strong – and end even stronger.

So, here are my favorite things on the finale:

1)  Walter White banged his hand on the windshield
This made me laugh so hard.  I mean, even during his weakened state – he was still THE man!  Hahaha.. He still has the mojo!

2)  The laser pointing scene and the scene that comes after
The brilliance of Mr. White is unmatched.  Everything was his idea.  This I realized when I saw how he was able to ‘control’ Elliot and Gretchen.  I believe that Walt was once the main man behind Grey Matter, it was just unfortunate that he needed money and thought it more important to pay rent at that given time and gave up his share of the company he built.  This scene made me realize how in control he was – how he knew what buttons to push, how he is so brilliantly smart to be able to think of ways and means to achieve his goal (of leaving his children money)  I teared up that he wasn’t bitter – and laughed so hard when I saw him motion to something and then – TADA, the laser pointers!!!  Mr. White – you ARE the man!  I also laughed so hard when I saw Skinny Pete and Badger!  These guys no matter who much of a loser they are – they make the scenes lighter and witty.

3)  Mr. White, the Machine gun and the dessert
I never expected this!  But well played Mr. White!  Well played (with matching slow clapping and nodding) Even at this scene, you’ll see the teacher in him – he is very thorough and his actions are all well thought of.  He still had the presence of him to ‘practice’ it out before actually trying it.

4)  Skyler & Mr. White’s last scene together
It was all about forgiveness.  Walt finally was able to admit that he liked what he was doing, that he was good at it, that he felt alive – and that it wall because HE wanted to do it.  Mr. White was MAN enough to admit to this truth.  I would have insisted on the ‘he did it for the family’ but being able to admit that first and foremost – he wanted it?  My, that’s so many pogi points in my book!  I cried (again) when he touched Holly’s cheek.  Now that I have a daughter and a son – I cannot imagine life without them, so knowing how he felt – it pulled at my heart.  How I wish Holly saw Mr. White – I was heartbroken here, really heart broken.  It also pained me to see him leave – without Skyler giving him a hug or anyone touching him in anyway for that matter.

5)  Mr. White tackling Jesse
The look on Mr. White’s eyes when he saw Jesse’s condition.  And tackling him as if to attach him – It was to save him – to free him.  From beginning to end, I knew that Mr. White will protect Jesse from almost everything – if he could, that is.  He will NEVER betray Jesse.  Yes, he will declare to the world that Jesse is well – not that bright and usually is the cause of his demise – but in the end, Jesse is his son.  Jesse is family.

6)  Mr. White’s raised hand (while pushing the button for the machine gun)
I don’t know why – but this made me laugh!  I mean, I assumed that once you push that button, it would have been BOOM!  Instead it took a few more seconds, thoughts raced in my head – will it work? Was the key too far from the car?  Were the walls too thick?  But then when the scene shifted to the car – I knew it would work.  THANK GOODNESS IT WORKED though.  Haha!

7)  Uncle Jack’s last scene
He still had to take a puff before dying.  Yan ang tunay na lalake is what I would (imagine) hearing from my Panget.  Uncle Jack is so full of pride that he still had to do that!  What made me like this scene?  Well – simply because Mr. White didn’t have a care in the world where the rest of his money was and just shot Uncle Jack. 

8)  Todd getting choked
Yes.  He deserved it.  And I liked it (creepy ba?) that Mr. White stood there watching.  Mr. White was as detached with how Todd is during the show.  Todd deserved this because he killed Drew Sharp and Andrea! 

9)  Jesse smiling
A rare moment this season.  We saw how much he loved his newfound family (Andrea and Brock) Jesse redeemed himself for me during this last season because we were shown that he also had brains.  Good for you Jesse!  Good for you (with matching repeated taps on the shoulder/back)

10) Mr. White in the lab
At first I thought – gosh, at his state he still wanted to cook?  I laughed at my idea and added the thought – ‘hanggang kamatayan!’ (Till death!) But I was wrong.  Mr. White was just admiring what he created/helped create.  I guess this scene made the series go full circle with how he started – started in a Chem lab in school and ended in a Chem lab made by Uncle Jack’s team.  In both scenes – Chemistry is the main denominator.

So there you have it!  My first EVER list.  Hahahaha!!

You know what – in HS, I really enjoyed Chemistry.  I was able to balance equations with ease.  I just didn’t pursue it.

Sigh.. I would have been a Mr. White – Didi version.


Bryan Cranston – for being Hal, for making me doubt that a comedian can go so dark.  Thank you for Mr. White.
Aaron Paul – for being Jesse, the kid Jesse.  The Jesse in all of us, the one who messes up and come up with bright ideas as we matured
Vince Gilligan – for creating this show.  I will forever be a fan.


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