Unilab is an industry leader and I am happy that they launched a campaign for college students to come up with their best health related community project. Health is wealth as they say – and everyone agrees that is TRUE! So UNILAB came up with this project to help jumpstart the winning campaign by giving the winner P250,000.00 as seed money! Isn’t that the best? Now the ideas won’t just be on paper – but the ideas can literally come to life!!
For more details on the project visit Unilab Ideas Positive!
Unilab received more than 60 entries and now they’ve narrowed it down to eleven (11) finalists! Now, here’s what you can do to help – you can vote for the BEST campaign and help that particular campaign win the seed money! From the eleven (11) entries – it will be narrowed down to five (5) entries – and there will be three (3) winners out of the five entries! Here’s how:
- Visit www.UnilabIdeasPositive.com
- Click the “Videos” tab
- Like their FB Page – Unilab Positive Ideas
- Users may vote for a video only once BUT you can vote for multiple videos
Voting ends on Sept. 7, 2011.