Quezon City – Garbage Collection FAIL!

We are victims of the flood.

Our house, office and factory were flooded with thigh deep water during Ondoy.

The day after the typhoon – my family, our helpers and workers cleaned out everything that was damaged. It was only a few days ago, that we fully cleared out the flood damage. All that were flooded and unusable – we put in sacks and brought them out for the garbage trucks to pick up.

We waited.

Garbage trucks passed by – but only got the small sacks. Telling us that the sacks are too heavy to carry.

We then divided the sacks – into smaller sacks, even offering to help carry the sacks to the garbage trucks. But we were ignored and even told that the sacks were still heavy. A basurero even snickered saying ‘Wala kasi kayong panigarilyo

Why in the effing hell are we supposed to give ‘panigarilyo‘ to them when in fact it is their job to pick up garbage?

Are we required to give them ‘panigarilyo’ just for them to do their jobs??

Is that even right??

We called our Baranggay captain – we told him that the basureros didn’t want to pick-up the trash! You know what he said – ‘Kung ayaw nila, anong magagawa natin?

What kind of an elected official is that?? He IS an elected baranggay official, we voted for him because we thought he would do our baranggay good – as of press time, he is in TAGAYTAY (We knew, because we called him to let him know what happend, but with his answer – we wasted P7.00 for the call)

Our baranggay is called PALTOK
The baranggay captain is CAPTAIN ANOS
Plate of the garbage truck WJJ-283

I already called the QC City Hall to report – they told me that ALL garbage MUST BE COLLECTED.

What an ass these people are becoming.
Is it because election time is coming??

What an IRONIC thing! This article says that the QC government fielded ADDITIONAL garbage trucks to collect trash!!

1 Comment

  1. Anonymous

    We are also experiencing the same problem. The Barangay people do not really care. Must be "Daang Matuwid" style at work. Right now we have piles of garbage in front of the house that remained uncollected for several days already even though we segregated them into biodegrable & recyclables. Garbage collectors do not want to haul heavy garbage unless you pay them.

    Remember that come Christmas time. Do not tip them when they hand you that envelope. We used to give them P500. Now we give them zero. As for the unresponsive and useless barangay people, know who they are so come election time vote them out. Tell your neighbors too.

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