Saturday Delight

Two weeks ago, Lydia decided to have lunch with our seatmates during high school – with me, Tin and Sharon. We had set it 2 weeks ago. And last Friday – Tin and Sharon backed out. I told Lydia that we should just push through with the lunch since we already set it. We can just arrange another lunch with Tin and Sharon. Lydia told me that she was inviting Sandra Toh-Tan – I was delighted, I was actually glad Lydia invited her, and then I thought of inviting Karol Ong to join us. I thought she might like to join us. When I called Karol – she told me she couldn’t make it. But the next day – she said she will make it, cause she had found someone to cover for her in the OP.

And so last Saturday – I had lunch with some of my high school classmates. It has been years since we last saw one another or chatted with each other. I met up with Lydia, Ragos, Sandra and Karol at Cibo in Shangri-La Mall. It’s been so long since we last saw one another – except for Karol – because we had lunch last year, but still – it’s been a long time.

Having lunch with them brought back so many memories. We were all so different then and similar at the same time (how contradicting) I have a fond memory for each person, and if you’re reading this – please don’t kill me. Haha.. To be fair – let’s start alphabetically (1st quarter seat plan)

Karol Ong – I remember her as a passionate Tennis fan. She would bring Tennis magazines and would update me on whats happening with whom at what Open. I remember too that she wanted to be a doctor – and Opthalmologist specifically – but now, she’s leaning more to being a Neurologist. She’s one of those positive engergied people in class. She was quiet but when you get to know her – there’s substance and depth

Jennifer Ragos Tan – we all fondly call her Ragos, simply because there were so many Jennifer Tan’s in the batch. I remember her being madiskarte – she would bring all sorts of things to clas and sell them to us. Another fond memory of her was that she would always cram and declare ‘Oh no! Babagsak na ako! Hindi ko pa nagagawa yung paper for ___!’ She would be panicky and sometimes moody. When she declares she’s going to fail – it’s a sign that she won’t! Hahaha.. It was just 2 years ago that I learned that she was the cousin of a good friend of mine. What a small world?!

Lydia Tan-Paredes – Lydia has always sat infront of me – we would always be seatmates during the first quarter. There’s one instance that I remember so fondly – and that was in CLE (Christian Life Education) class – we were reading the bible – and I decided to lay my head on the table. Lydia willingly offered to hold up the bible to cover my head. And she ended up holding it for 45 minutes or so – because I fell asleep! Thanks Lydia!! Another fond memory would be when we were bored – the four of us (Lydia, Sharon, Tin and I) would have a drawing contest. We would decide on a theme and then proceed to draw – at the end of the class, we’d decide who had the best interpretation of the theme!

Sandra Toh-Tan – one of my favorite seatmates ever!! Not only were we seatmates during the first quarter but I think 2-3 quarters a year! She would always sit behind me. I love sitting next to her because she had the most complete notes ever! Whatever the teacher said – she writes it down – and when exam time comes up! People would line up to have her notes photocopied! She’s the best crammer I’ve ever met! She also is one of the most considerate person ever! One thing I remember very well was when college results came out – she declared that she would never study in Ateneo – simply because her dad went to Ateneo. She went to CSB – and became an Interior Designer.

I’m so glad I had lunch with them. I had so much fun laughing and hearing their love stories! I hope it doesn’t end here – I hope we get together more often. Here’s to more lunches and dinners!! 🙂


(L-R) Moi, Karol, Lydia, Sandra and Ragos


  1. Char

    Hi didi! Jennifer’s my co-dentist’s shobe, hehehe. 😀 Small world! Pareho silang dalawang mahilig magsideline, selling us bacon (lean daw), tissue, cell cards and wacoal undies.hehehe.

  2. Didi

    Hi Char! 🙂 We were just discussing how she was kinda scared to open up her own practice! 🙂 Hope to see you soon! 🙂 Bigla kitang na-miss!!

    Hello janusngo! Thanks for dropping by! So you’re from that school beside us! Cool! No plans of coming back?

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