Balducci at Serendra

Last night, I was really excited to go to Serendra, it was the birthday of my Panget's dad, thus - we were celebrating it. I was told last week, that…

Cupcake attempt #2

Last Saturday afternoon, I decided to make cupcakes again, and this time I did not forget to cool the cupcakes before frosting them! Yey! I used Cake Flour instead of…

Whatta Thursday!!

Yesterday was an event filled day, I witnessed a burning luxury van in Murphy Cubao, went to look at the Corelle sale at Eastwood, check out The Block in SM…

Spaghetti with Clams

Last night - was for the first time in years that I cooked my own pasta dinner. I have been so out of the cooking loop for a long loooong…

Cupcakes by Sonja

Berries and CreamCupcakes by SonjaSerendra, The FortSince we were at The Fort last Saturday night - my friend Jen, my Panget and I went on ahead and took a look…

Market Man’s EB

EDSA traffic - on a Saturday night en route to The FortGoing out on a Saturday night may cause headaches - why? Well, simply because everybody in the Metro WANTS…