a Beauty-filled day..

It actually was... :)I went to meet Tammy Tan to fit the dress I had made for S's wedding - after which - I went to attend Sophie's Beauty and…

Facebook & Friends

Everyone loves the series FRIENDS. I've seen it so many times over and I think that I can somehow answer a trivia or two about the show.My good friend MM…


It's officially the season of Weddings. Last Saturday, at S's bridal shower - S handed me my official invite to her wedding. I don't know why - but when I…

No eyes!

My Panget is soooooo funny. You see - he declares himself blind when he doesn't have his glasses on. Considering that his glasses have a grade that is less than…

Goodbye Auntie Amy!

The weekend was quite sad. My Ima - the youngest sister of my Guama (my mom's mother) was cremated last Saturday - she succommed to Breast Cancer last Thursday. Funerals…


I think I might want to bake this weekend. I don't know why - but there's that certain tug that makes me want to bake something.. cupcakes or cookies maybe...…