
Okay, so my good friend S’s wedding is coming up – 6 days to go till the big day!!. My Checklist is almost complete!

– Dress It’s already being dry-cleaned at the moment!
– Shoes I’m using an old, reliable pair 🙂
– Accessories Thanks to Kath! It made all the difference!!
– Bag – Still thinking of borrowing or buying (a really cheap one that is!)
– Hairstyle – BIG dilema
– Make-up – Another BIG dilema

It’s already this Sunday – and I haven’t booked anyone to do my make-up and hair! Darn it! Actually, I can’t decide! Yikes! It’s really a tough choice!

But to make things somewhat okay – Sophie was willing to teach me how to do my own make-up. I’m not what you call a make-up maven – I actually suck at this. I don’t know how to differentiate my look. I’m super scared to experiment. Such frustration!!

And my hair? Well, I’ll just probably go to a salon in QC. Any suggestions?


  1. oh captain my captain

    how about watercolors in shangrila? for your make up lang ha. layo ka lang from you. take care di!

  2. Didi

    Hi Jen! Yeah nga eh! Practice nalang siguro..

    Hi Tutubi! Will give her a call. Thanks ah!

    Char – He’s already married eh! 🙂

    Hi Jake! Shang is too far na! But they do have a branch in QC. That’s where Panget’s mom and sister are having theirs done.. 🙂

  3. Didi

    Hi dee! Yeah, I’ve heard of Cathy Cantada but kinda pricey eh! She’s friend with a friend who’s also a MUA but she’s in PAris now.. Sigh.. She used to do my make-up when I have events.. 🙂

    Hi Kim! Thanks super for the suggestions. Did I read it right? Almira Muhlach the wife of Bong Alvares and sister of Aga?? She does make-up pala?

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