I am scheduled to go to Guam next weekend..And I have a problem ...We forgot about it and so...Can anyone help with the hotel (cheapest please!!) Hahaha... And like where…

It’s OUT!!

Haha.. Remember my A Photo Shoot post?Well, magazine's OUT! (It's on your local newstands for sure!!)Hahahaha!! :)The picture was perfect! (See the reason why I picked Pat Dy as my…

Tagged! All about me!

Sorry dear dyanie! I didn't notice you tagged me, it's a week late - but better late than never, right?!1. WHAT WAS I DOING 10 YEARS AGO?I was a froshie…

RIP Bernie Mac

Pic grabbed from this site You will be sorely be missed.He died Saturday - due to complications from Pneumonia.I thought he was getting better.Rest in Peace Bernie!! :)

Rick Astley Live in Manila

I never thought I'd be watching.I actually got the idea from Spanx. He was the one who started it all (in my opinion!).And now that he's here.. Well..It was actually…

ALEXA Bag Organizer

Grabbed from the siteMy friend KY was supposed to gift me one for Christmas last year. Unfortunately, her mom mistakenly got 'my' gift and gave it to another person. Huhu..My…

Project Runway Philippines

I am so very very excited to watch the first episode of Project Runway Philippines tonight on ETC at 10:00pm!!I am curious on what the show has to offer. And…