a case of Food Poisoning..

Yes, I was food poisoned (is there such a term?)Well, last night - after munching on Big Mama's fried chicken with curry sauce, I felt a little queasy. I dismissed…

Definitely, Maybe

I don't remember where I saw the trailer of this movie, but when I saw it was a Ryan Reynolds - romantic comedy-ish flick - I knew I had to…

Apology from Fr. Nebres

Got this email from Spanx regarding the DLSU players and coaches names being burned during the Ateneo bonfire last September 30, 2008-------------------------------From: Three days ago, photos of wooden planks bearing…

What the HELL??!!

Grabbed from THIS photobucket accountI mean, COME ON!!My gosh! I expected more from the Ateneans..Tsk.. Tsk.. Tsk...P.S. These were sent to me..

Wizard Magazine

My twin brother used to be a fan of comics, my cousin too! But my Panget - well, he still buys them to date. He's such a big fan of…

Camp Rock!

Photo grabbed from THIS siteI never thought I'd like this movie, but I did! I got curious because HK tourmate Reena said it was really nice.I loved it!! I've been…

Currently in….

CEBU!! I'm on my way home actually!! Waiting for the shuttle to bring us to the airport!!This is actually my first time in Cebu - and may I just say…