I’m giving away FREE Make-Up!

To pay it forward (with my luck and all) – I am giving away free make-up from Maybelline!

Just leave a comment with the following info:

a) What is your favorite entry in this blog? (Pressure!)
b) Name
c) Email address*
*I will be sending an email to confirm that you are indeed joining the contest 🙂 Kindly reply. Thanks! Incomplete entries are immediately disqualified.

I will be running this contest from today, October 10 to 24, 2008
Winner* will be announced on October 25, 2008
*I will pick a name from a bowl (raffle!!)

Join now!! 🙂


  1. lelila

    hey, can i join haha!

    fave entry must be about the fitflop, can’t get it out of my mind, really! i’m not into flip flops really, but im thinking of getting one, it’s just the price tag that making me think twice haha!

    losarim at gmail dot com

  2. Kiko

    can i please join? my gf would love that makeup 🙂 at least i think she would. i honestly know zilch about makeup 😛

    my favorite is the rick astley one. roderick and rick together at last hehehe!


  3. Oliboy's Adventures

    any prizes for boys? hahaha!

  4. Maricar Iranzo Manga

    Hi! I love the Big Mama’s. I love chicken so much that I dont minda eating it everyday!

  5. Maricar Iranzo Manga

    Hi! Im Maricar Manga and you can reach me through maricarmanga[at]gmail.com. Thank you.

  6. Dennis Villegas

    Hi Ma’am, I really wanted to join the contest kaso lalaki ako eh hehehe….First time ko pumunta dito sa blog nyo kaya mag-back read muna ako ng mga previous entries hehehe

  7. princess_dyanie

    i love your entries about fitflops! 🙂 those entries gave me idea that there’s still cool fitflops besides the usual havaianas 🙂

  8. Lalimarie

    1. my favorite entry in this blog was the review on your wedding suppliers. although i am not planning a wedding it was something that i shared with my best friend who is getting married in december
    2. lalimarie bhagwani
    3. lalimarie[at]gmail.com

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