Full Circle Naturally Derived Cleaners + GIVEAWAY!

I am a skeptic when it comes to all natural cleaners.  I grew up with brands like Lysol, Pinesol, Bygon, Axion, Joy and etc.  Of course, I imitated what I grew up with right?  But when a friend sent over some naturally derived products, I had to try it to see it’s effectivity.  And boy was I surprised (and impressed) on the results!  That brand is Full Circle – it’s a local home grown brand – it seriously made me change my mind about natrual cleaners.  I am now more open minded when I hear ‘natural cleaners’.  To share with you what exactly made me change my mind – here is my blog post on Full Circle’s Naturally Derived All Purpose Cleaner.  I did a video there so make sure you read the post to watch it. I know that by simply sharing my experience is not enough to convince you.  That there is ‘truth’ when you really try the product yourselves to see it’s effectivity.  So because of this,  the very nice ladies behind Full Circle want two (2) of my readers to try out their products!  They have decided to host a GIVEAWAY!  Thank you Ws!

Yey!   Giveaway!  Everyone’s happy and excited with giveaways right?  Because sharing is caring!  So with this, I’d like to formally say that we are have a GIVEAWAY of Full Circle Naturally Derived products!  We are giving away two (2) sets of these items for two (2) of my readers!

This is open to Metro Manila residents only.  So please read it again, open to Metro Manila residents only!  Joining is very very easy – all you need to do is tell me is what you will want to try and clean using their products!  I will pick two winners – RANDOMLY.  I say that again, RANDOMLY – there is ‘best reason’ wins!  It’s random. Make sure you do the following: 1)  LIKE my Facebook Fan Page – the canDIshhh tales 2)  LIKE Full Circle Philippine’s Facebook Fan Page 3)  Post your answer on your personal FB page ‘What would I want to clean first using Full Circle’s Natrually Derived Cleaners?‘ + this link http://www.candishhh.com/2019/05/full-circle-naturally-derived-cleaners.html 4)  Make sure to tag @candishhh ! 5)  This is open to Metro Manila residents only. This giveaway will end at 11:59PM on June 3, 2019. *I will announce the winners on June 4, 2019


  1. Geraldine Garcia

    Joined po and hoping to win.

  2. Rojean mae lamsin

    Joined thanks for sharing po

  3. Merelle Joy Timoteo

    I'd love to try this cleaner.

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