EATs Hong Kong: Jade Garden’s Char Siu

Hong Kong will forever be a favorite food destination for me.  It will forever be #1 in my list for quick getaways.  I like it because I am familiar with it.  I can be adventurous and try new restaurants or I can trust the ones that I’ve been to and liked all these years.  I particularly love Chinese food.  Yes, I’m boring that way.  I find comfort in eating Chinese fare – I was asked by a cousin in law why I want to keep eating Chinese food.  Hong Kong, she says is a melting pot of cuisines all over the world – well, I particularly like Chinese food.  I just love it!  Hahaha.. A dear friend took us to Jade Garden in Causeway Bay.  It was my first time to go the Causeway Bay Plaza 2!  I mean I’ve passed by it a couple of times, but I never really went in.  The place is quite big and it was bustling when we got there. I didn’t get to take pictures of the food because I was seriously too hungry.  But there was one picture, the lone picture of the meal and it was the cha siu.  I took a photo because it was really tasty, soft and delicious.  My friend Cubie uttered *It’s not even Iberico!*  and it was really really really good.

Just look at that beauty.  From the picture alone it looks soft and flavorful.  And I didn’t cost an arm and a leg! Jade Garden has been around for a long long time, heck they even have a branch here in Makati!  I’ve always trusted the Maxim’s group for a wonderful Chinese cuisine experience and this one did not disappoint in terms of flavor.  The food was really good.   The service though, well it’s another story because our food came late (thus being really hungry) and the staff wasn’t as attentive.  It was a really busy night, but that was not enough an excuse to *forget* about our table. Dinner was really nice because of the company, we laughed shared stories and caught up with one another.  It was a fun night and we really enjoyed. I am a forever fan of the Maxim’s group, this is – I’m sure is just a hiccup.  So I’ll give it another shot next time when I’m in the area. Thank you Cubie for this wonderful not Iberico Cha Siu and dinner!  Till next time or when you come visit!  Mwah! Jade Garden


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