Play for Real with Johnson & Johnson

When I was young, I remember going to my grandparent’s house to play with my cousins.  We would be running around in the garden, setting up tents and enjoying ourselves.  As the years passed and technology reached new heights – we had game boys, family computers and desktops.  But I have to say, nothing beats playing for real – running around, sweating it out under the sun and using our hands and whatever material we can find around to play with – it was a different high. A few weeks ago, the kids experienced this same high with their friends.  We learned about the importance of real play where all five senses were used.  I never thought about it actually that when kids are playing for real, using their hands all sweaty and dirty – that they actually use all their senses!  For me it was all about exercising – letting them sweat it out and practicing running and improving their motor skills!  It was an eye opener that even through real play – kids are able to use their senses and learn in the process.  Why didn’t I think of that?  I guess I was too much into them learning numbers and letters that I didn’t notice really that kids learn through playing, #playforreal

I guess I was KJ too because I didn’t want to make a mess or dirty the kids!  Haha..

When my Panget and I had Kailee, we agreed to limit her gadget play.  We knew it was inevitable and we’ve been hearing so much that iPad apps helps kids learn faster and easier.  But even if there are benefits, we decided to limit gadget play however inevitable it was – and so far, so good!  We encourage both kids to play and sweat it out.  So every afternoon, they have a *real* activity at home.  They help water the plants, and then ride their bikes and scooters.  I would see them having so much fun, squealing with delight, for them – there is just so many things to do!  When they go back in the house, they’re tired but the expressions in their faces are priceless – it was genuine happiness!  Even if the activity was simple, they would go on and on with tales on what they did.  It was quite rewarding to be honest.  I would think that they’d get bored – but no, everyday was a different thing.  I guess as kids, their imaginations are working double time. I was reminded that kids enjoy themselves more when they #playforreal thus, I realized that I needed to remind myself that I should spend time to prepare them simple activities.  I guess, I take for granted materials that is available around the house.  The simplest sensory activity is when they take a bath.  I used to always reprimand them not to play with water – but then I realized, why not let them have fun in the bath.  Extend their bath times – use home made toys as boats, or better yet -play with those J&J shampoo bottles!  I have a confession – the kids, they use the Johnson and Johnson shampoo as bubbles – it’s amazing how much bubbles they make!  Hahaha..  This is one of the reasons why my Panget always asks me why I buy so much J&J shampoo for the kids!! Hihi.. (secret’s out!) Whenever we travel with Kailee, we make sure that we have an activity just for her.  Take for example our recent trip to Paris – we took her to the Louvre and as expected with children her age – she got so bored.  But right after, we brought her to a play area along the Seine river.  I think we spent a good hour just watching her play and enjoying the play area.  She was a bit shy with the other kids, but nevertheless – she enjoyed herself.

Whenever she sees a playground, her eyes would light up and point to the playground.  She would ask us nicely if she can play there and we would happily stop and let her enjoy herself.  It was like a welcome rest for me and my Panget while we watch her play.  I guess I wish there were more *clean* playgrounds here in the country. Thank you J&J for showing us and reminding us that when kids #playforreal they learn more life lessons.  Touching, Seeing, Tasting, Smelling and Hearing.  I promise to not cringe when I see the kids dirty.  Hahaha!  We are very excited with making more sensory activities at home!


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