EATs London: Wahaca SoHo with Em

Em was a classmate of mine in HS.  There was a time that we were seat mates and I don’t know if she remembers but she told me something privy.  And at that time, I appreciated her talking to me about it.  Ever since then, I considered her special to me.  We had different circles of friends, but there was something in her that I liked and I guess being seat mates, I was drawn to her. We reconnected through Facebook.  I swear, the wonders of Facebook really and then I learned that she was based in London.  So when a trip to London was planned – I immediately messaged her.  I think it was 6 months in the making.  I was very persistent, making her kulit through FB messenger then finally on Whatsapp. And then after all these years – we finally saw each other again!

Em is still the same Em that I remembered.  Still very smiley and accommodating, very pleasant and still chatty (with me).  I can’t explain the feeling, but it was very comforting to see her again, to hug her again and to have a very interesting conversation during dinner.  I guess my Panget was wondering who Em was – well, he finally met her in person!  It was too bad though, that Kailee fell asleep!! Em took us to a Mexican restaurant called Wahaca in SoHo.  And my gosh, my Panget and I were schooled in Mexican food!  I don’t think I’ve ever eaten this kind of Mexican food in my life!  I loved the flavor, the texture and the fact that we had to use our hands to eat!  The place was nice and bustling, the staff wonderfully accommodating, the food was unforgettable and delicious.  My Panget and I enjoyed the meal immensely especially with Em’s company.  I have to be honest, I think it was only then that I realized that I liked the Mexican flavors!  I had an impression that Mexican food was just all about the burrito and tacos!  Hahaha!  Apparently, there’s more to it!

This is the Guacamole (GBP3.95)

I’ve never enjoyed guacamole to be honest, but this one was really good!

I think before eating the entrees I ate so much of this!  The mojito was a perfect partner.  

It was such a good combination!

Fish Tacos (GBP9.50) I’ve been hearing a lot about Fish Tacos from watching US television series.  I’ve always wondered how it tastes, I mean the combination I thought was a it weird.  I finally got to try it and it was really good!  The fish was crispy, it wasn’t malangsa at all!  It was a nice change in the usual taco texture that I am used to.  It wasn’t filled with a tomato sauce based fish mixture, but instead it was fried and wrapped in a soft taco shell with veggies and white sauce, it definitely had a bite to it!  I finally found something new that I liked!

Slow Cooked Pork Burritos (GBP6.95)

I think this is the best burrito that I have ever tried in my life.  It was so flavorful but not overpowering.  The pulled pork was so soft and it just tasted so gooood the mix of spices blended very well that I would remember this dish for the rest of my life.  The amount of meat per service was perfect, it wasn’t too much or too little.  There was definitely a kick in the dish that didn’t bother me at all.  It actually complimented the flavor.  I wouldn’t have it any other way!!

Chicken Tinga Tacos (GBP4.25)

I would always order chicken.  It’s what I refer to as a neutral dish one that can be eaten without bias.  But this one, I’m sorry to say – was a bit by passed by me, because what I ate before tasting it were very flavorful dishes.  The taste is a bit toned down and subtle – unlike the burrito and the fish taco.  If you’re one that doesn’t fancy a punch of mexican spices, then this is perfect for you.  It’s good – but I like my Mexican food with a kick or a punch.  Hahaha!!  

It was good, but it wasn’t my favorite of all our orders.  

British Steak, the Mexican way (GBP10.25)

We were quite blown away with this dish.  The steak was particularly good because the marinade was different or maybe because it used different kinds of spices that we are not used to putting on a steak.  It was a great piece of meat and the flavors were WOW.  I can’t exactly describe it, but it was tangy, and sweet and salty – all at the same time.  The meat was cooked perfectly and the seasoning was sooooo Mexican that I instantly knew that I would fall in love with Mexican food.  I have now found a new love of the Mexican spices.  Hahaha!  Oh, this was served with a bowl of green rice – I have to confess the rice was such a delight – I haven’t eaten rice in more than 6 days, so this I felt was the best rice that I’ve ever tasted second to Asian fried rice.  Hahaha!!

After our dinner Em walked us around SoHo – we walked the vibrant streets of London and enjoyed the lights and the sights.  It was quite different from the area where we were staying at.  Its was actually the opposite – our area was quiet and very chill.  Here in Soho – the city was alive, lights everywhere, people were everywhere – so many restaurants and bars and shops!  It was quite busy – I was telling her that this was the most I’ve seen people walking the streets and at night in London!  Hahaha.. 

The night ended soon as Em had to go back home.  Her commute was about an hour and a half.  I was shocked when I learned this as I didn’t know that the lived that far!  But I appreciated (so very much) her effort of seeing me, meeting my Panget and Kailee (even if she was asleep) and sharing a meal with me after all these years.  I hugged her so very tightly before we parted.  I thanked her for the wonderful meal and conversation over dinner.  It’s nice to reconnect with old friends.  Especially those you haven’t seen for a long long time.  

So, Em – THANK YOU so much!  For the gift of friendship all these years.  Thank you for seeing us even if it was raining!  Hahaha…  We appreciate and love you very much!! *Hugs*  See you sooon!!

Wahaca SoHo

80 Wardour Street, SoHo

London, W1F OTF




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