Happy New Year Giveaway! MOM 24/7 2015 Planner

To welcome the NEW year – I’m having a giveaway, a GIVEAWAY!! Thank you to the folks behind Mommy Mundo for hosting this giveaway! Here are some images to show you what’s in store for the winner.

I just love the soft color Chevron design, very easy on the eyes!

Well thought of layout which is very useful to mommies!

I especially love the To Do List!

This planner is not just us moms, but also for our kids’s activities.

So we can keep track on whats going on in their lives too!

Very organized, right?

Write down all of the information – so as not to forget!

So LOVE these two pages (Above and below) – helps me keep track of when I visit the doctor!

This will guide us all in checking our kid’s health.

And, it’s not just for kids – it’s for US too!

We like to host parties at home, so this really comes in handy!

I just have one page to look at now!

Going on a trip?

This helps you outline your trip.

More useful pages – lists!!

Here’s the part you all have been waiting for!!  The GIVEAWAY!! Just follow the simple steps: LEAVE A COMMENT a)  Name b)  VALID email address (I need this, so please don’t ask me to *delete* your comment for *your* privacy when the giveaway has ended – as this will compromise the integrity of the blog giveaway c)  Answer the Question *I want to win the MOM 24/7 2015 Planner because _______* d)  URL of your Tweet (Please link back to this post) f)  URL of your FB Share (Please don’t forget to link Facebook.com/candishhh ) I will pick out the answer that I like best. Since I will pick, it will be based on my decision and opinion.  Let’s get rid of the crab mentality and the *Pag natalo, nadaya* mentality.  Good Vibes guys, Good vibes!! This giveaway will run for only a eight (8) days, last day of entries will be on 11:59PM of January 12, 2015.  I will announce the winner right away so please check your emails!  This giveaway is OPEN nationwide, but make sure that you or an authorized representative can claim the prize for you in Quezon City.  Please don’t force me to ship the prize to you just because it’s the new year.  No, no no. So there you have it! Good Luck!! —– Here’s the winner that I picked:


  1. Unknown

    a) Haidee Lozano Pencerga ♥
    b) haideepencerga[at]gmail.com
    c) I want to win the MOM 24/7 2015 Planner because :
    1. That planner is awesome.
    2. All great things in life start with a good plan.
    d) twitter.com/Hi_iamHaidee/status/551812552443719680
    f) facebook.com/haidee.s.pencerga/posts/10203069789895109?pnref=story

  2. Arminda Puno De Leon

    Arminda Puno De Leon
    *I want to win the MOM 24/7 2015 Planner because it's all into it less the immunization of course coz I already have 3 kulilits and that's it!*
    twitter.com/Puno1971/status/551926204974899200f) facebook.com/armindapunodeleon/posts/10204662903604595

  3. Darl Corral-Piquero

    a) Valerie Darl M. Corral-Piquero
    b) darl.piquero[at]gmail.com
    c) I want to win the MOM 24/7 2015 Planner because I need it to organize my thoughts, plans, and schedules this 2015. I'm still adjusting to having a 3 years old toddler and a 4 months old baby on top of things and it is quite handful to manage.
    d) twitter.com/darley_p/status/551965316813582337
    e) facebook.com/kakawate/posts/10202973141202595

  4. Unknown

    A. Rona E. Cuera-O
    B. ronacuerao21[at]gmail.com
    C. I want to win the MOM 24/7 2015 planner because this will serve as my helping guide to organize my plans not just being a mommy but also being a soon-to-be wife to my fiancee 🙂
    D. twitter.com/ronabear08/status/552031923204145152
    E. facebook.com/rona.cuerao/posts/636619989797137

  5. Valerice

    Ma. Clarice Lao

    I want to win the MOM 24/7 2015 Planner because it's already 2015 and I still don't have a planner. My 2015 is all about being a mom plus we are moving to a new home in Bacolod and its going to be a crazy fun year. We are moving by March so, I can still pick it up. *wink*


  6. Sherry ann gole cruz

    sherry ann gole cruz
    I want to win the MOM 24/7 2015 Planner because,it will be easy for me plan ahead,it serves also my diary,my task reminder and to top it all i had also the 2014 mom planner so i want to start my mom planner collection. happy new year!

  7. May De Jesus-Palacpac

    May De Jesus-Palacpac
    I want to win the MOM 24/7 because I've been so disorganised for much too long, we've fallen way behind on vaccine schedules, and all that. Plus, with all my gall talking about not planning to have a 4th baby, I've never even marked down any of my periods! I need help and I need a tool for it.

  8. Unknown

    Marcos Batac
    *I want to win the MOM 24/7 2015 Planner because I want to gift to my Mother Christmas and Birthday thanks for the giveaway my mother FB : facebook.com/titavilliotebatac
    Twitter : twitter.com/macoylaspinas/status/552402568110817280
    FB : facebook.com/marcos.batac/posts/751232248285970?pnref=story

  9. Joy

    Lovely Joy Merced

    I want to win the MOM 24/7 2015 Planner because it's my all time favorite planner, I used a mom 24/7 last 2013 and it served me well, the last planner I had was a gift from a friend, that's why di ako nakagamit ng mom 24/7 last year, iba parin talaga ang mas marami akong nagagawa at naisusulat sa mom 24/7 planner, mga shopping list, immunization ng kids, miscellanous, what to do's at kung ano ano pang important events, gusto ko din na spring sya mas madaling sulatan lalo na at left handed ako, di ako magwoworry na magugusot kasi pwede naman syang ifold. I had gone 2 cs operations and noticed that I easily forget about things, I really need a planner to keep track of the important events in my family's life and to make my 2015 productive and efficient year!

  10. Unknown

    a) Paula Romana Alagao
    b) whitsplash14[at]yahoo.com
    c) I want to win the MOM 24/7 2015 Planner because I hope to give this to my sister. First and foremost, I'm joining this contest because of my dear sister (though she doesn't know about this give-away). When I saw that you are going to raffle a planner for mothers, Miss Didi, I immediately thought of my hardworking and very busy sister. She is currently living in Zamboanga, has a four year old son, works in an office and has an online business. She badly needs this planner so she can manage her time well in work and at home and most especially she won't forget any important appointments, occasions and transactions. This also help her to be more organized, efficient and productive. I am really crossing my fingers to win this for her. Thank you so much in advance Miss Didi. More powers to your blog and God bless you! 🙂
    d) twitter.com/Soleika14/status/554275401778745344
    e.) facebook.com/Ramona.alagao/posts/1077752425584541

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