JAM Foods ANGUS Tapa

I am very fond of Pinoy breakfast fare.  I don’t mind having them for lunch and dinner!  That’s why I love restaurants that serve all day breakfasts!  Hahaha..  It wasn’t so long ago that I became a breakfast person.  I distinctly remember when I was still in ICA that I refused to eat breakfast, I just didn’t!  It was only when I got pregnant that I started to eat breakfast – because I would get really hungry – and that was the start. I used to not like waking up in the morning too!  But when I got pregnant, I had no choice – I’d be wide awake by 7am!  And so I used that time to relax and do what I like – and that is to eat!  Hahaha.. Last December, I was one of Jane’s Christmas Angels.  We were gifted with a pack of JAM Foods Angus Tapa to take home.  I met the very warm and lovely Michelle Cu-Unjieng who’s husband Chef John is the chef behind Jam Foods.  I remember the first time I encountered Jam Foods – it was in Mercato Central last 2010!  I remember it distinctly because I too, also joined Mercato with my sister in law, and we sold Gingerbread Trees!  It was in Mercato where they became known as the Angus Tapa.  And as they say – the rest is history!

Look at that BEAUTIFUL goodness!! 


I am so happy that they have resellers around the Metro!  It makes it convenient to their patrons that they have tapas readily available in different locations  in the Metro. I must say that this is one of the best tapas that I have tried in my life.  You need to try it yourself to believe!  It’s really soft and very flavorful!  Before Jam Foods’ Angus Tapa – I thought all tapas were hard and dry.  So when I tried this – I swear, the Angus – it makes all the difference!  I haven’t had any beef tapa that comes close to Jam Foods Angus Beef Tapa. Visit their Facebook Page:  Jam Foods Angus Tapa for orders and for their other products! Thank you Michelle and Chef John for bringing us Jam Foods Angus  Beef Tapa!


  1. michymichymoo

    I love love love Jamfoods Angus Tapa!!! 🙂

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