Wooden Spoon in Rockwell

I am not a Power Plant Mall kind of a gal.  I find the mall quite boring to be honest, the only thing that I look forward to are the Baker’s Dozen fair and the bazaars at the Rockwell Tent.  One of the reasons why I go to PP Mall is because the mall is fairly clean – I can bring the kids there to play and not worry about the mall’s toilets being dirty.  I love that their toilets are really clean and lovely to look at.

So yesterday, on the way to PP Mall, I was already thinking of a place to eat.  It has been Shi Lin for the past few visits and I wasn’t up to having XLB.  Good thing while walking towards True Value, I saw Wooden Spoon open!  We got there at 11AM so the place wasn’t as full – but since we had to go to True Value first, I decided to leave my name so that when we get back, we would be prioritized.

We went back a little before 12nn and the place was packed!  We had to wait about 20 minutes to get a table.  Server Errol apologized on the delay apparently, its their first day today to open!  He told me ‘Ma’am bawi kami sa food and sa service!’  So, since it was their opening day, my Panget and I were very forgiving.  We expected that the food will be served a bit delayed – and it was.  But the flavor of the food more than made up for the delay.  I didn’t get to take pictures of the other food that arrived since we were so hungry, but I’ll do my best to describe them.  I apologize for only taking one food pic!

 Crab Pancit

When you look at the menu – the dishes really seem ordinary.  Its more like a menu with home cooked meals.  But of course, you have to consider the fact that these dishes are made by the Daza’s, and so I trusted the menu and I have to be honest, I was really impressed.  The home cooked meals didn’t seem so ordinary, I guess with the tweaks here and there of Sandy Daza, they became the better versions of the usual home cooked meals.  I swear the dishes don’t taste anything ordinary at all!  The flavors were wonderful, the sauces are amazing.  We really enjoyed our meal there and I would definitely go back to try the other dishes. 

So, to Wooden Spoon Power Plant Mall – CONGRATULATIONS!  Your dishes were great, service was also good despite being your opening day.  I have to commend you for training your staff well.  Bravo!

Here’s the list of dishes that we ordered:
1) Boneless Crispy Chicken (P217.00) – I am such a sucker for chicken dishes, when it was served to us, I was amazed on the size, it was big!  But then I realized, it was flat – but nonetheless, it was good enough!  I wish there were more gravy (they were giving refills though..)  Kailee liked it so much that she was able to finish half of it!  (I ate the remaining half)

2)  Tinapa Fried Rice (P155.00) – This dish was yummy, but we got so bitin, so we just ordered extra plain rice.

3)  Crab Pancit (P175.00) – This was the BEST dish of all that we ordered.  We were all surprised and welcomed this version.  My yayas were all praises for this dish!  The picture above is this one.  Boyet the server told us not to mix the noodles thoroughly, so as to have the crispy effect as we ate.  Good recommendation!

4)  Lechon Kawali (P217.00) – When it was served to us, it looked so kawawa because it looked so few!  But when you taste it and dip it into any one of the dipping sauces (vinegar, coriander, and a ginger sauce) you’ll understand why the serving was just that and nothing more.  Order this and be surprised!

5)  Squid with Chili (P249.00) – The sweet and spicy taste is just a wonderful mix.  I was expecting not to be blown away by this – but I was wrong (again!) it was really good.  Yaya Donna liked this the best.

6)  Sigarilyas at Daing (P155.00) – I have to be honest, I do not eat sigarilyas – but I had to try this out because the sauce was amazing.  (See?  Wooden Spoon was able to make me try sigarilyas!) And it was also good!  Masarap pala ang sigarilyas

So, there you have it! 🙂

I have to say – its through watching the show ‘Cooking with the Daza’s’ ‘Cooking it up with Nora’ every Saturday morning when I was little, that I learned to appreciate cooking.  The show made me like to cook!  So I guess with my cooking career (if there was any) – I’ve come full circle!

Wooden Spoon
P1 Level, Power Plant Mall
Rockwell, Makati

(It just dawned on my that their main branch is in Katipunan!  I won’t need to go far to try more of the dishes!  Yeyness!)


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