Okay, I’ve been neglecting this blog for months…
But now, I’m back!! And why? Because of American Idol baby!! 🙂 Yeah!!
Yes, one of the shows I enjoy immensely!
I love watching this show! Every year – it just keeps on getting more and more entertaining!! 🙂 I think one of the things that I like about this show is the surge of emotions!! I am such a sucker for those sad (and happy!) stories that I cry instantly when I they get the yellow ticket! I can’t explain it, but it’s so crazy! It seems like I am overwhelmed with emotions – crazy noh?! Hahaha!! 🙂
I can’t wait for Hollywood week!! 🙂
Yehaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! 🙂

Let me just say – the songs picked to segweay – LOVE it! 🙂
Danny reminds me so much of Robert Downey Jr., and David Cook! Hahaha… Anoop (did I get that right?!) was amazing!! 🙂 Who would have thought that such a voice would come out of him?!! Hahaha!! 🙂
im watching season 8 too! funny simon hehe 😉