May May’s Wedding..

Photo borrowed from Flowers of WoodI met May May for the first time a month before we left for Beijing in 2002. I intially thought she was a tall girl…

Dum dum dum duuuuuuuuuuuuuum….

The unexpected just happened last Saturday while vacationing in Sagada...I will be becoming Mrs. Panget..I should change that name already - it doesn't sound fitting! Hahaha...Cheers!!

First trip for 2008!!

borrowed from this siteThis is where I'll be this weekend. Can you guess where this is?Thanks to the recent announcement of a Special Non-Working Holiday..I promise to write about my…


I know I haven't posted in a while... I have a lot of backlog. My Bangkok post is not yet complete, my Bicol trip - I haven't even started yet!…