American Idol 7 – Boy’s Night

Something to look forward to every week! Finally! American Idol is back!! Woohoo!! Here are my take on their performances:

David Hernandez
Liked his voice – but since he was first – there were jitters.

Chikezie Eze
My Gosh – his performance was really boring. This is one of the forgettable ones for me. Sorry guys! And justifying his suit to Simon! He could have just flashed a smile and instead argued on it! First time for me to see this kind of answering back to Simon Cowell.

David Cook
This guy, I loved his performance!! I admit that I’m partial t rockers – and that’s one of the main things why I thought his performance worked.

Jason Yaeger
I found it boring – it was like he was singing in a lounge. Simon’s comment hit it right on.

Robbie Carrico
His perfomance was okay also. Nothing spectacular but just okay. Song choice was okay. Too many okay-s, okay?

David Archuleta
Loved his groove, loved his voice, loved his shy-ness! Loved everything about him!! He’s so cute! I think he may just be ‘it‘ for the boys. He can be packaged very well (when he wins) and he has a great great voice!! He knows how to romance the camera (remember Constantine?) thus – performance wise – very good!!

Danny Noriega
He has such a powerful voice – I know he’ll do well in the competition but his performance was just okay for me. There was no ‘wow’ it was just okay. Found him a little bit ‘ahem’ with his retort to Simon’s comment. Watch out kid!

Luke Menard
Performance was too plain. It was too safe. I have to agree with Simon on this one it was forgettable. It was like he was just singing in front of a mirror and not singing to impress.

Colton Berry
Very good voice! I wasn’t able to catch his earlier audition though. He was just okay. I am starting to feel like most everyone’s performance is bordering safe to boring.

Garrett Hayley
I like his voice but it was a dead performance (IMO) He could have done better – but I guess with the theme – it was kind of hard.

Jason Castro
It was cute and looked like he was enjoying his performance – but something’s missing. I’m not sure what it was – but honestly – I wasn’t impressed with his performance – at all. Contrary to the judges – it was not up to par. I think he can do better.

Michael Johns
He reminds me of Heath Ledger – obviously, he’s Australian! Pitch problems (I think..) but overall – it worked out! He set such a good mood, looked great on stage – and the best thing was – he sang very very well!! This is the best performance for me. Reminds me of Chris Daughtry (who I absolutely love!)

Honestly – I was quite shocked to see some of the male contestants share a piece of their minds to Simon. I mean those kinds of things are not easy to forget! They’re quite memorable! And some seem not to know how to take criticisms. Was it just me??

Top 3 in my book: David Archuleta, David Cook and Micheal Johns.

On a lighter note – I am soooooooo looking forward to tomorrow’s performance! I am excited to see and her Carly, Amanda and Ramiele. I can’t wait!!


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