1. Unknown

    Congratulations, Candishhh. I don’t know either of you personally but I’m genuinely happy for you.

  2. Didi

    Hi Char! Thanks! Parang ang kapal kasi to claim that! Hahaha…

    Hi Minds – thanks!! Hihi…

    Hi Em! Thanks so much! I really appreciate it! 🙂

  3. Didi

    Hi Jen!! Thanks! See you this Sunday!! 🙂

    Hi Jay! I was in Natio QAve last Sunday morning!! 🙂 Thanks for the congrats!! 🙂 If you see me, please say HI! 🙂 Cheers!

  4. Oliboy's Adventures

    huhoooo! congrats! 🙂

  5. Didi

    Thanks Oliver! Hope you’re recovering well!!

  6. oh captain my captain

    Coooonnnnggrrrratttsss Di! =)

  7. spanx

    mrs. panget!

    all the best to you and the future mr. candishhh!!!

  8. Didi

    Hi Jake! Thanks!!

    Hello Spanx! Thanks in advance ah!! 🙂

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