Dialogues at Starbucks


I have this theory that Inspiration is paying it forward. You must be inspired with something or by someone to have the feeling of a certain ‘high’ that drives you to do certain things. Thus you pay it forward by doing something that inspired you. Somehow it inspires someone thus the cycle continues.

Last Saturday – I was honored to be invited by Starbucks to join the first leg of their Dialogues at Starbucks. They had 2 guest speakers – the first was Anton Diaz of Our Awesome Planet and the second was JP Tanchanco of Tanchanco Tri-Media Productions.

Anton Diaz

As for Anton – his theme was Proud to be Pinoy. Those who follow his blog can see how proud he is of our country! I’ve actually never seen him do a ‘talk’ I’ve bumped into him and his lovely wife numerous times – once even travelling with him to Corregidor. You can really sense his eagerness and thirst for new discoveries. The best thing about him is that – he shares it to us through his blog. We become part of the adventure while reading his entries.

JP Tanchanco

The second speaker ws JP Tanchanco. His was a different type of talk. It was actually a very inspiring talk. I loved his positivity. You can sense and feel the ‘fire’ burning – like coffee – I can almost smell the taste! He was very passionate re-telling his tales of roaming the whole of the Philippines searching and asking ‘Are you Happy?’ While listening to him speak – I admit – I was so ‘in the moment’ that I felt a certain drive – an inspiration to share. I love watching documentaries and when he showed us a clip of his docu-drama – I was blown away. I really was, while watching the preview – I got teary eyed – I felt so very proud while watching the preview. I can’t explain fully what I felt exactly but I felt the positivity, I felt the message – as the saying goes – tumagos sa puso – it pierced through my heart. I never felt so proud that I was Filipino.

Inspiring! That is what I have to say – I can’t wait until they release the film. As I was talking to JP and Ayee – I felt their sincerity, they believed in the cause – and so pursued it.

When I got back from my Corregidor trip – I’ve had this nagging feeling that I couldn’t quite explain. I think I’ve never understood what that ‘feeling’ was until I saw the documentary. I’ve so long believed in the causes of Carlos Celdran and Anton – now JP and Ayee’s. I just hope that somehow – I can do my fair share.

I was telling JP and Ayee – our country needs this – we need this, to push us to become more that we can.

As they say – it begins with an inspiration, it’s the fuel that makes you go further.

Also, I had the pleasure of meeting other bloggers! Coolness! It was nice meeting you Lori (again!), Nina, and Jane! Thanks so much for the invite Fran and Zarah of Starbucks!

More Dialogues at Starbucks!!

June 21, 4PM : Starbucks Coffee Silver City (near Tiendesitas)
(featuring Anton Diaz and the WeeWillDoodle team)

June 28, 4PM : Starbucks Coffee Harbor Square (CCP Complex)
(featuring Dr. William Oliver of Fauna and Flora International)

July 5, 4PM : Starbucks Coffee Leviste
(featuring Ivan Henares, Kidlat de Guia and JP Tanchanco)


  1. Lizeth

    sounds interesting ang dialogues…sayang wala na akong time to attend. i forwarded your link to some friends. we’re familiar with anton’s blog. 🙂

    thanks for the info and thanks for dropping by my site!

  2. Didi

    Hi Lizeth! Thanks for visiting! Try to attend JP’s it’s really super insipiting!

  3. Serendipity

    You make me look forward to the Dialogues on the 21st. Will u be there again? 🙂

  4. Didi

    Hi Sab! I want to attend that dialogue! Hope to see you there? 🙂

  5. Patty B.

    Another great Starbucks idea =)

  6. Frances Ang

    thanks so much achi didi!! *mwah* girls, i’ll see you there!!!

  7. Didi

    Hi Patty! I agree, another GREAT idea!!

    Hi Fran! See you! Hopefully!!

  8. ChichaJo

    So sorry I missed this! They gave me a heads up but already had a prior commitment…thanks for posting the next dates! 🙂

  9. Didi

    Hey Joey! Try attending JP Tanchanco’s dialogue! He’s very passionate! 🙂

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