Sex and the City: The Movie

Good thing I brought with me somewhat low/close to none expectations.. because…

I so LOOOOOOOOOOVED the movie!!

I’m not a big fan of the show, I mean I like it and watch it, but I don’t go into too much show details (like I do on FRIENDS). The movie was wonderful – it was a long version of the TV show, which was great! I mean, it was like watching a marathon!

Michael Patrick King – was GOOOOOOOD!! I mean to transition from a TV show to a movie – he did a very good job!! The movie didn’t feel too long (it was almost!) but it was just alright. I think if you’re confined to have everyone’s story wrapping up in 2 hours – he did it fashionably great!

So, what were my favorite parts of the movie: (they come in no particular order)
WARNING: Spoilers ahead!!

  • The gorgeous walk-in closet! I think most everyone will want that kind of closet! Paging Panget! I want that one too!!
  • The Toss-Take fashion show! I loved how they kept the old dresses!!
  • Seeing the 4 gals walk together!
  • Did you see that fabulous Vivienne Westwood dress? I would love to have one that is just as fabulous! (but seeing her have a hard time getting in the car – it was quite a turn off) But it was beautiful on her! It was so Carrie!
  • When Carrie hit Big (so many times!) with her bouquet! That was such a GREAT scene! I mean for all the pain and sufferings Carrie went through throughout the show (years).. It was what he deserved!! I can watch that scene so many times and not get tired of it! hahaha!!
  • The look on Steve’s face when he admitted to having a one-night-stand. I can’t imagine what was going through his head as he did the scene. He was terrified and guilt-striken! It looked so ‘real’ for me
  • The opening scene when Carrie was walking down the street.
  • When Carrie was reading aloud the Love Letters. Ever thine, Ever mine, Ever ours. Now, that was powerful!
  • At the rehearsal dinner when Samantha lashed out on Big’s partner! That scene was a winner!!
  • I love love love the monologues!!

I think there are a lot more, I’d need to watch it again (believe me, it’s worth it!)

As for the parts that almost made me cry: (again, in no particular order)

  • The part where Miranda said ‘You broke us’
  • When Miranda and Steve got back together on the Brooklyn Bridge!
  • The bouquet hitting scene! And the angered look of Charlotte?! I’ve never seen her that angry.
  • When Big called the night before unable to explain what he was feeling. I knew it wasn’t going to happen.
  • The Charlotte-Big-outside the restaurant scene – I so felt what Charlotte was going through (sans her water breaking!)
  • Samantha letting go of Smith

I never realized how I much I missed seeing Miranda, Carrie, Charlotte and Samantha on screen till last night!! It saddened me a bit that this was THE last episode/ending – I wanted more! But can they still make more? Hmmm… I hope they can!!

Note: Need to bring Panget to watch this with me. Thanks Annie for the movie ‘date’!! 🙂

There’s one complaint though.. the editing – it was really bad, I mean really really really bad!! (Might have been the MTRCB’s working.. You’ll never know!)


  1. Frances Ang

    “The bouquet hitting scene! And the angered look of Charlotte?! I’ve never seen her that angry.”

    this scene made my realized how importance girl friends are to a girl’s life 🙂

  2. Unknown

    “It saddened me a bit that this was THE last episode/ending – I wanted more! But can they still make more? Hmmm… I hope they can!!”

    Di, there will be a sequel. Or so she says. This is the first substantial bad review I’ve read, by the way. Though, I’ve not seen the film and can’t say if I like it or not.

  3. ChichaJo

    I think I cried in all the Miranda and Steve scenes!

    “And the angered look of Charlotte?! I’ve never seen her that angry.” — The look on her face was so powerful…she was like a tiger defending her cub! Equally powerful I thought was how Carrie flung herself at Charlotte and how tightly she clung to her…

    I really enjoyed the movie! 🙂

  4. Patty B.

    I don’t remember how many times I cried hahaha! I totally loved this movie. I’ve been missing SATC for the longest time…I waited for and watched every single episode and was wondering how it was possible to turn it all into a movie. But I wasn’t disappointed at all. I’m definitely looking for the uncut version though. The cuts were terrible!

  5. Didi

    Hi Fran! I know, super important talaga! I don’t know why, but during that scene – I felt safe! Weird noh?!

    Hiya Minds! I agree, a movie sequel might kill SATC. Baka masira eh!

    Hello Joey! It was such a pleasure watching them again! I can’t wait ti take Panget with me to watch.. again!

    Hi Patty! I was on the verge of tears, but walang tumutulo na luha eh! Hahaha.. The cuts were really really bad! I hope we can get the uncut version!

  6. Frances

    Hi Candice! I found your blog kasi you emailed me about the Maybelline freebies =)

    Anyway, I never got on the SATC wagon but because of my job, I had to watch the biggest movie of the year. And yes, the movie was fantastic. And I’m speaking from a who-are-these-girls point of view!

    True, that bouquet-hitting scene was the best. Grabe, when Carrie flung herself at Charlotte and Charlotte shouted at Big, “No! No!”, WOW. Sobrang iyak ko talaga!!!

  7. Didi

    Hey Frances! Thanks for dropping by! 🙂 I loved the bouquet hitting scene the most! FINALLY! Hahahahaha…

  8. calvierude

    From Carrie’s first date with Big, to Charlotte’s divorce, to Samantha’s outrageous statements, Sex and the City has touched all of us in one way or another, whether you’re a woman or a man, I am brave enough to admit. Its really a fabulous movie and one of my favorite movies. You can watch this with full length and better quality from here. Sex and the City Movie free download

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