The Weekend that was….

I hadn’t had the chance to make a very detailed post – thus, I will be posting an entry in bullet form:

  • Was late to my first ever godson’s Christening. The person to blame? My Panget of course! I was so disappointed in him, so disappointed. My new ‘kumare‘ forgave me naman (I think) but still – it was my first ever godson’s day and – I wasn’t there. What a ninang! My Panget was all apologetic – kinda not enough though, but don’t tell!!
  • Zacch – my godson is the cutest ever!! He’s very mobile (I mean for a 3 month old) He smiles alot and is so quiet!! Awwwwwwwww….. Such a cutie!!
  • For the first time ever – played the Nintendo Wii at Andy and Annie’s place. It was really fun! Literally, a very interactive game for everyone!! My right arms was sore until today!
  • Went to watch A Love Story with my best bud KC in TriNoMa. I was expecting myself to shed a tear here and there – but I didn’t! It was KC who did! Liked the movie – it was different.
  • Killed time in Greenhills – went to Unimart again! I never tire of going inside a supermarket. I think it’s one of my favorite places in the world. You can leave me there and I will never tire of walking the aisle – one by one! Haha..
  • Saw a replica of ‘I am not a Plastic bag’ in the Tiange – it was a bad, baaaad replica!
  • My Panget cooked our Spanish Sardines pasta in Andy and Annie’s kitchen – it was a labor or love, or should I say – labor of instense hungry-ness – according to him – he was freaking hungry.

Pictures of my cutie godson – to follow!! 🙂


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