The Weekend Review..

Again – this will be in bullets! hahaha..

  • Friday was actually a slow day – the highlight was my mom cooking crabs! Yummy!
  • I couldn’t believe that I dozed off at 9pm! I wasn’t even able to catch my favorite Teleseryes!
  • Since I slept at around 9pm – I woke up at 1:45 in the morning! I actually thought that it was morning already! Since I couldn’t sleep – I watched TV for a couple of hours – then, when my eyelids felt heavy – I decided to sleep (agai
  • Woke up to sounds of heavy rains! I was planning to to go the Rockwell Urban Bazaar to support my friend – a new and upcoming designer – Tammy Tan. But since it was raining cats and dogs – and for fear that I’d get stranded in Makati – I decided to skip it for the next day
  • My Panget picked me up for his cousin’s daughter’s birthday party at Acropolis – the theme – a Disney Princess’ birthday! 🙂 The food was okay – the place was really cold!! But it was fun!
  • After the party – we headed to Cyma in Greenbelt 2 for Eleanor’s Baby shower!!
  • Saw K and MM – my Chinese Chickens!!
  • My Panget wanted to try out Cold Stone – and we did – shelled out Php384.00 for 2 ice creams!! Dang it!
  • Celebrated my mom’s birthday (early) during lunch – she prepared Shabu-Shabu for us! I miss having Shabu-Shabu at home!
  • Went to Rockwell’s Urban Bazaar – bought a dress from Tammy – I should have gone the previous day!! Argh… The rains kasi eh!
  • Bought my frist ever dress/top from Doroty Perkins! Enjoyed a 5% discount because of my ICAAA card! Yehaaaaa!!
  • It was actually a shopping day for me! For the first time – I was the one who went home with all the stuffs! My Panget – did not shop for anything.. Teehee!! Yey for me!!
  • I was the 3rd placer in our Poker game that night.
  • A lazy Monday it was – went to my Panget’s to watch ‘Inside Man’ – I fell asleep!! Hahaha.. It was that boring..

1 Comment

  1. Didi

    I didn’t like it. Nothing fancy – sort of ordinary nga eh..

    Hey! Don’t forget to make paramdam when you’re here in Manila na ah! 🙂

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