Milk! I'm sure a lot of people will raise an eyebrow - but I am one who appreciates and loves drinking Milk!! Loooooove Milk!! Just discovered recently that Parmalat…
Wedding Plannings is not an easy task. Believe me, my Panget and I have been there. I saw this one thru Aileen Apolo's Plurks!! How lucky are brides to be…
I went to visit a client in Marikina this afternoon. To be honest, I do not remember where Marikina was nor what it looked like. All I remember of Marikina…
Blu Tack saved my phone. I’ve seen Blu Tack in National Bookstore for years. I’ve always wondered what it was for. There are packs of blue Blu Tack and packs…
I find this quite odd - but hell, if it works! REJOICE for all women! To read more on the CNN article, click the link below:
I’m a firm believer of Citronella as an insect/mosquito repellant. My mom was the first one who introduced me to this – she bought a bottle of Citronella oil out…