a Sad puppy..

Yes, I'm a sad puppy.This afternoon I received sad news. It's sad for me because I was expecting my best bud KI to join us in our Bangkok trip. Unfortunately,…

MM’s send off..

(L-R) MM, A, moi!, Kwhat poses right?!This is us - the Beijing Chickens.Our friend MM will be heading to Shang-Hai next week for a 7 week training courtesy of Citibank.…

Dinner with my Girls..

It has been months since we all sat down and had dinner. KY has been in Paris, finishing her Masters in Luxury Branding. While SE has been busy with work,…


Happy Weekend Everyone!!I know it's an early start...Have a GREAAAAAAAAAAT one you guys!!


Okay, so my good friend S's wedding is coming up - 6 days to go till the big day!!. My Checklist is almost complete!- Dress It's already being dry-cleaned at…