Bangkok – Day 2

Waking up at 530am was the hardest thing to do especially the day after a plane ride coming here. I was still feeling funny from the plane (I know it's…

Bangkok – Day 1

I have been giddy about going to Bangkok for months!! I'm so blessed to have friends who helped me book a place in the Langsuan area (actually they convinced me…

I’m back!!

Just got back yesterday - time sure flies!!I had a wonderful time in Bangkok!!Will post as soon as I organize the pictures!! :)I'd love to go back to Bangkok again!!

My dress…

This is what my dress looks like...I wore it to my friends S and A's wedding..It was made by Tammy Tan. I got the idea for the design online -…

Flight Delayed… Argh!!!

Yes, you read it right - my flight tomorrow to sunny Bangkok will be delayed for 2 hours!! A few minutes ago - I received a phone call from PAL.…

a Sad puppy..

Yes, I'm a sad puppy.This afternoon I received sad news. It's sad for me because I was expecting my best bud KI to join us in our Bangkok trip. Unfortunately,…

MM’s send off..

(L-R) MM, A, moi!, Kwhat poses right?!This is us - the Beijing Chickens.Our friend MM will be heading to Shang-Hai next week for a 7 week training courtesy of Citibank.…

Dinner with my Girls..

It has been months since we all sat down and had dinner. KY has been in Paris, finishing her Masters in Luxury Branding. While SE has been busy with work,…