Winner! Winner! Winner!

Congratulations to: Camille Q. for winning a copy of the's Top 10 Everything Food Lists book!! :) Please wait for my email on how to claim your prize!! :)…

It’s Official!

I am on the way again! As of yesterday's count - 8 weeks and a few days!! We had an ultrasound and I saw the heartbeat and the lifeline! I…

Bikram Yoga Manila’s Posture Clinic

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Allergy Scare

I remember when I was younger, an allergy attack was one of the things I feared the most because I didn't know when it will happen.  I always had about…

Kailee’s First Haircut!

Last Saturday Kailee had her first haircut at Cuts for Tots.  The experience wasn't as stressful or traumatizing as I was expecting it to be.  It was actually pleasant -…