More than a year under lockdown I have been doing two things regularly. One is baking focaccia and another is making Panget’s sandwich lunch! Yes, everyday – well at least four times a week, I prepare Panget’s lunch sandwich. He prefers sandwiches for lunch because he says its less messy than having rice and ulam.
My sandwich idea is simple (and I feel repetitive) because I want to make sure to put lettuce, tomatoes and maybe cucumbers. I personally just like bread with lettuce and tomatoes – that’s it. But adding some bacon or meat really makes the sandwich good!
One sandwich I really like are those sold in Santi’s. Whenever there, I would make sure to grab the already prepared sandwiches on top of the chillers. They were quite costly because they cost at least P100 each – but I would always get them parin because I liked them. They were filled with alfalfa sprouts, tomatoes, protein and lettuce.
Here are some of what I have made, these are just a few photos I found on my phone.
They’re pretty noh? I attribute the the prettiness to the lettuce I use!
I hope you enjoy the photos!!