Happy 10 years Infinitea!
10 years is a major major thing! It’s such an achievement! 10 years of giving people milk tea joys!
To celebrate their decade long existence – look at that they have in store for us:

A party pack that is perfect for celebrations, this is just what we need for the family! I really enjoyed this packaging – it’s so unique (I’ve never seen anything like it!) it doubles as a fun activity for the family! It’s super nakaka-aliw! They come in a 5Liter pack and a 2.5Liter pack! So cool right? Look at Kailee! Hahaha..

This was sent last week, during Connor’s birthday and boy did we have an unforgettable celebration! Everyone in the house enjoyed the milk tea and sinkers! It’s been months since we all had milk teas!

We’re now in the BER months, meaning – Christmas celebrations are just around the corner. I know that Christmas parties are being ‘banned’ this year – so what better way to celebrate that to SHARE meals and DRINKS to your family, loved ones and friends! This is one unique ayuda that for sure everyone will enjoy! Don’t let the pandemic stop the Christmas spirit from being shared and celebrated!
Thank you #Infinitea and Happy 10th!
Cheers to more years of milk tea joys for the Filipino!