I’ve always had weight issues. I remember when I was younger, a pediatrician told me that I was overweight and started me on a fish and vegetable diet. I remember this as if it was yesterday, my lunch for school would be stir fried cabbage – this was because it was only this veggie dish that I would eat willingly. I think I maintained my weight but then again, I would gain a lot. Weight was not something I was conscious of while I was growing up. I didn’t have body issues then because – well, unlike now – we were not exposed to so much skin and bones then. I remember though, that I had this aunt, my dad’s sister – and she would always tell me how fat I was and that I needed to lose weight. It was this aunt that also told me ‘Sige ka, walang magkakagusto sayo niyan’. Honestly, if I only knew then what I knew now – I would scream at her. I really dislike people who put beauty with being ‘thin’.

As I grew older, I became more conscious – not because of the media, but because of family members like her. There were distant grandparents that took one look at me and say ‘Sayang, mataba siya’ There are some things that if not constructive, you can keep to yourself – but those harsh words added to the mental imprint that – I NEEDED TO BE THIN TO BE PRETTY.

I would go on diets, take diet supplements, go to the gym – but those were only temporary. I remember trying out the popular South Beach Diet and was very impressed on my weight loss. It was then that I realized, kaya naman pala to portion food and be healthy and be okay – weight wise. But of course, those meals were delivered and packed – all I needed to do was eat, right?

Fast forward to when I got pregnant with Kailee – it was only then that I realized the JOY of eating. I was eating here and there – and the result was that I ballooned! It was the heaviest I had ever been in my entire life. People were also saying that breastfeeding would help you lose a LOT of weight – well they were all wrong. I NEVER LOST WEIGHT while breastfeeding, in fact, – I gained more! The less I ate, the less my breast milk output was. So, still I ate.

Fast forward to 2017 when I finally tried Fitness Gourmet meals for the first time. I lost 17 lbs in 4 weeks. I was so happy on the result! I learned to portion my food and count calories. But then after a few months, hahaha – I got pregnant with Shobe! At the back of my mind, I knew that the secret to my effective weight loss is – calorie counting.
During the lockdown – I gained a considerable amount of weight. I didn’t realize I was stress eating. It only occurred to me that I was doing that when my PJs started to feel tight. I never weighed myself – and when I did – I was so surprised at the number that I saw. IT WAS THE HEAVIEST I’VE BEEN MY ENTIRE LIFE. I was shocked! I have never reached that weight ever and it was a wake up call. I remember being so bewildered at how I reached that weight! I immediately looked at my IG and again searched for Fitness Gourmet. I knew I had to do it again – to jump start my weight loss the right way.
I signed up and paid for the 8 week program of #MakeItFit. My goal really was just to lose weight. Any weight was good enough – but seriously I was hoping to lose at least 10lbs – okay, more than 10lbs. Hahaha.. I knew I could do it – but it would really take determination. And so I jumped it – for the first four weeks, I did the 1,500 calories meal per day.

It was such a TOUGH first week. I was irritable, I was easily agitated. I was short fused and I wanted to fight with just about anyone. I would yell and get so easily frustrated with small things. It was really REALLY hard. I apologized to my children ahead because I knew that since we were all home, they MAY get the brunt of my high emotions. And they did, hahaha!! I was so short fused really and it was soooo hard! I kept on drinking water to counter the hunger pangs. I experienced headaches and cold sweats. I felt really irritable – but I was determined to get through it.
By the end of the first week, I lost 8lbs. I was shocked, happy surprised to be honest because I knew this was going to happen. It was such a positive boost to be able to lose that much in the first week. I realized that I ate so much food, I was stress eating. You see, I didn’t realize it yet – but I was eating to compensate for what I was feeling. I enjoy eating good food and in my mind – I was simply nourishing my body – but since I wasn’t moving as much (as I wanted to) and I just turned 40 early this year – that meant that my body’s metabolism is getting slower. I swear to you, when I saw that weigh in when I started the program – I was SHOCKED. Grabe, talaga.

The second week was a bit better than the first week. I still felt hunger pangs and I was still a but irritable – I had a grasp of what happening to me and my body. There were random headaches because of the hot weather. But overall, I think I had more control of the situation. By the end of the second week – I lost another 5lbs. Losing that 5lbs was such an achievement for me and I was so very happy with what was happening.

The third week was a lot better since I knew what to expect, I felt that my body had already adjusted to the food intake and I was less irritable. I was able to do the normal things without getting too hungry at times. I was getting the hang of it. When it came to weighing time, I was sorely disappointed to see that I didn’t lose any weight that week. It was disappointing, because I was expecting to lose a few pounds more, but none.
The fourth week came by quickly, emotions wise – I was great. No more headaches, I wasn’t t irritable anymore and I didn’t feel hunger pangs. I was more confident. By the end of the fourth week – I felt that my clothes fit better. Losing weight instantly doesn’t mean that the physical changes are instant – they take time too. I realized this when I journey to weight loss, that physical changes can be seen a few weeks after. I think the body is adjusting to the changes to. I was sad again, when I didn’t lose additional weight. It was then that I decided to lower my caloric intake to 1,200 calories. In my mind, it was a perfect strategy – start the 1,200 calories per day for the last 4 weeks.

I honestly didn’t feel that the food delivered was less because I still felt full. One of the things that I like about Fitness Gourmet is that the food is already portioned well and I only need to heat it up before eating it. It made my life easier because it was already prepared for me. That is one of the reasons why I like Fitness Gourmet – their portions are good and their menu is balanced. I get to try different cuisines every week (if there are themed cuisines) or mixed cuisines every day. I enjoy it more because the food is NEVER bland, it’s always very flavorful and tasty. Everyday, I look at their menu for the week on Instagram and feel excited on what I was about to eat every meal.

That fifth week and sixth week were disappointing because I still didn’t lose weight – in fact, by the end of the sixth week – I gained 1 pound! It was disappointing – but I guess that was because I cheated on my diet on a number of occasions, I felt they were harmless, but apparently – NOT! So yes, I think I deserved that 1 pound that I gained.
When the seventh week started, I was already expecting that I won’t lose any more additonal weight. Looking back, I was just contented to have lost 13 pounds already. That was a major victory as it is, because I honestly doubt if I can have the same weight lost without the help of Fitness Gourmet’s calorie counted meals. Little victories like that should be celebrated and I already felt victorious. I just happily went on the week without expectations, that way – whatever weight I clocked in, I would be happy with it. So, I weighed myself when I woke up. I was still a bit sleepy but I had to get up early to start baking. When I stepped on the scale, I had to take a step back and then step back on the scale – I did it, maybe three or four times? I didn’t know if I was still sleepy because I couldn’t believe my eyes! According to the scale – I lost 2lbs! I was in disbelief! Two pounds and that was after 3 weeks of no progress! It felt amazing to see the small dip in the scale. It was such a winning moment for me because finally after three weeks, there was another positive development!

This last week, I felt happy and sad. Happy because I was excited to step on the scale and see my final weight. Sad because it would be the last week that I would be receiving calorie counted packed meals that are ready for me to consume. But it’s a welcome journey and I’m glad that Fitness Gourmet was with me through it, I knew that I was eating quality meals.

So, can you guess how much weight I lost? I lost a total of 18lbs! That is so AMAZING. And I did that without any exercise. Yes – without any exercise at all. Eating correctly and eating the right amount of food is very important if you want to lose weight. I am actually inspired to extend my the service and also maybe ride a desk bike – just to be able to have some semblance of an exercise, I’d like to know if that can help me lose more weight.

I’m so happy that at the end of my 8 weeks with Fitness Gourmet – I’ve exceeded more than my desired number of pounds lost. I have always trusted Fitness Gourmet and I will always trust them. I have recommended Fitness Gourmet to family and friends. I even have a friend who availed of their meals simply because she didn’t have any helper in the house! Fitness Gourmet meal plans are priced very reasonably, couple that with their ongoing promos – it’s really worth it.
If you also want to jump start your weight loss journey the right way – avail of Fitness Gourmet’s meal plan delivery! I promise you, you won’t regret it.
By the way, this is NOT a sponsored post. I paid for my 8 week meal plan with Fitness Gourmet.
You can find them on Instagram – Fitness Gourmet