SeakingPH’s Ready to Cook Calamari Sticks & Bangus!

You know what?  I really dislike seafood shopping in the wet market.  Call me maarte, but I dislike the fishy (malansa) smell.  As much as I love crabs, oysters and clams – well, I leave it to my mom to do that shopping for me.  And when I’m in the supermarket, I’m glad that there are ready to cook seafood available for us  – more specifically the Seaking Bangus!  I have been seeing it around for years and I’m mighty impressed because I have witness the evolution in their packaging.

I have been curious on the Calamari Sticks.  Usually the calamari we are all familiar with is circular, this was – in sticks!  We were still on a Singapore foodie high and my Panget wanted to eat something different with the calamari sticks.  I first thought to just fry them – but then I remembered that I bought a Sambal food mix.  I knew I had to try it with the calamari sticks.

The instructions on the pack said to cook saute the onions in oil and then cook the seafood – and when it’s half cooked to add the sauce pack and some tomatoes.  It’s so simple right? Here it is:

The #SeakingPH Calamari sticks were so easy to prepare.  You didn’t need to clean them anymore because they’re ready to cook – as in literally open the pack and put the contents on the pan.  Yes, it’s that easy and convenient!  Wonderful, right?  Perfect for those on the go – preparation is almost zilch! Seaking is best known for their ready to cook Bangus vairieties, and here are some:

Seaking products are available in leading supermarkets.  Get yours now and prepare it for your families!  My Panget really loves their Bangus Belly! Thank you Uy siblings for your dream because without that dream, we won’t be able to enjoy the convenience and goodness of your bangus products!


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