Cooking Quest: Homemade Chicken Sopas

I really like Chicken Sopas.  I remember when I was in grade school in ICA, I would run down to the canteen right after the bell rang for recess, so I can buy myself a cup of chicken sopas or arroz caldo.  I remember trying this every so often because I really liked hearty soup during recess.  There were times that the canteen would sell out on the chicken sopas and arroz caldo.  But surprise surprise, the kuya or ate who serve will always give me a smile and offer me a bowl that they’ve kept for me.  Sweet, noh?  Awwww!!

Since I also wanted some Chicken Sopas at home, I would buy the trusty Knorr Chicken or Beef Sopas pack in the supermarket.  This has been a staple in all of my supermarket runs.  I would need to have a few packs in the pantry just in case I had a craving.  It was so easy to make and I felt comforted when I had it.  I would still do this after I got married.  I even introduced my kids to having it because they were curious what Mommy was having.  It was last year, I think – that I noticed that the supermarket that I frequent doesn’t carry the Knorr Chicken or Beef Sopas anymore.  I remember one time seeing packs of Knorr Beef Sopas on the shelves of Landmark Trinoma (maybe a year ago or so), I bought a few packets.  In my mind, since it was still sold there – I can always go back.  But when I went back a month ago, I didn’t see it anymore.  I asked the staff in Landmark and was told that the product was phased out.  I never got a confirmation because I didn’t try to call the consumer hotline of Knorr.  Maybe I should. The past weeks, I haven’t felt 100%.  I felt that my colds have been overlapping, bummer right?  But then last weekend, I decided that I need the comforting chicken sopas.  Seeing Rowena’s IG post that she made chicken sopas from scratch inspired me to make my own.  I knew I had to do it because there were no short cut anymore. So I browsed through Panlasang Pinoy’s Rich and Creamy Chicken Sopas recipe and used it as a guide.  I tweaked it to become my own version.  I was also tipped by Animetric to use Cheez Whiz instead of salt.  So I bought a tipid pack during my supermarket run.  I will share below the ingredients and the procedures.

I honestly can’t believe that I made my own chicken sopas from scratch!  It was possible.  I reminded me so much of the chicken sopas that I had in ICA.  The kids and my Panget loved it too.  It was a success!  Hahaha..  Now, I know that I can do it again – and it’s not that hard to do.

Ingredients: 1 Kilo Chicken Soup Pack (this is usually the breast part) 6 cups of Water (or more since you will be cooking the macaroni in the ‘soup’) 1 pack of Elbow Macaroni 1 big can of Carnation Evap Cheez Whiz 2-3 pcs Knorr Chicken Cubes 1 large Onion 8 strips of Bacon chopped into smaller pieces 1/4 cup Butter 1 medium Carrot (diced) 1 small Cabbage chopped In a large pot, boil chicken in the water.  Boil for about 20 minutes, take out the chicken let it cool.  When cooled, take out the meat and chop (I rough chopped it, but for uniformity’s sake – dice it).  But the bones back in the chicken broth and continue to boil over low heat.  Add the 1 can of Carnation Evap and boil.  Add elbow macaroni and cook.  Please stir from time to time. In another pan, cook the bacon with little oil. Add the butter and cook. Add the onions and carrots. Cook until the carrots are softened Add a little chicken broth so you can scrape the pan better

Take out the chicken bones from the boiling chicken broth. Add the bacon, onion, and carrot mixture to the broth. Add chopped cabbage and boil 5 minutes. Taste the chicken sopas and add Cheez Whiz.  Don’t forget to season with pepper too!  Oh by the way, I felt that the Cheez Whiz I added was too little, thus I needed to add chicken cubes for more flavor. That’s it! Hope you enjoy!  If you have other tips, let me know!  I would love to try your version!! On my next try, I would do the following: 1)  Use Ham instead of Bacon 2)  I’ll cook the elbow macaroni beforehand in whole milk and add the liquid to the chicken broth (instead of evap) 3)  I’ll add pounded garlic 4)  Use one whole chicken (cut up) for the broth 5)  Use the chicken breast and dice it (I rough chopped kasi) 6)  I will try to put vienna sausages


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