What is happening to my body?!

Change. It’s one of the few constants in this world. I am 39. My body is 39. I gave birth last year, and I felt ALL the difference. It must be the age. It is the age. PERIOD. The back pain.  Sciatica. The numbing of the hands and fingers. Being tired from little activity. Just wanting to shut out from the world. My body as I’ve mentioned before is NOT the same. I have felt it from being pregnant. I was more tired. Maybe because I had two older kids to look out for. Plus we had helper issues. I was tired, but it was doable. After giving birth, there was no rest. Even if Shobe is a calm, chill and a good baby (thanks to the Babyplus System!) I still had to breastfeed. I still had to care for the two older kids. I still had a household to manage. I still had to pick up Connor from school. I still had to work. I still had needed to be a wife and a mother. What I didn’t expect was – getting sick. Even if I was sick – I still had to function. There is no SICK LEAVE when it comes to motherhood. Ever since giving birth, I have been sick at least 7 to 8 times when you think about it, almost every month, I was sick. Right now.  I am sick.  AGAIN. I welcomed the Holy Week break with open arms thinking that I would be resting the whole time. And I really did!  It was a first time for me to be sleeping in,  doing nothing but just resting and relaxing – staying indoors and chilling out.  Then on Easter Sunday – well, when I woke up – I knew something was wrong.  I had a hard time swallowing.  When I drank water – my throat was really painful, I could feel the some lymph nodes on my neck.  I had a headache, my joints were aching too and my body felt so heavy that I moved oh so slowly. All I wanted to do was close my eyes and just lie in bed. And that was what I did the whole day. Kailee even commented that I looked really tired because I was not moving on the bed.  I checked my temperature and had a fever of 38.5.  I drank Biogesic + Immunpro and slept.  When I woke up, I felt a little better – but once I tried to get off the bed – I knew I wasn’t any better. So I went back to bed. I honestly don’t know if the virus are stronger or if I have become weaker.  Maybe both? Was it because I rested too much? Is there such a thing as resting too much? What do you think? I have taken double dosage of Vitamin C and Calcium since getting pregnant. I’ve also started taking B Complex because of tingling feelings I have on my fingers and hands. I know it’s the age. It’s like a never ending adventure (of being sick). It sucks. It really sucks. I really dislike it. But what am I to do? I feel tired most of the time. Some say to exercise. But I already feel tired and I still need to breastfeed/pump. The thought of it is already overwhelming. I miss being able to function properly. As much as I want to go about my normal day, I simply can’t. I can’t shut everything out, right? But it’s taking a toll on things I need to do on a daily basis. My SIL is also in the same boat. She told me, it’s really the age. As much as we need to take care of our bodies first, we’re just unable to do so. Is there a vitamin I can take, that is similar to Super Mario’s Star? Hahahahahahaha!! I’m just tired of getting sick. It’s frustrating. But I’m okay. Enjoying the baby. Hihi… Get well to me!!


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