A very meaningful Sunday homily of love and forgiveness

I make it a point to hear Mass every Sunday.  I make time for it because it’s only one day a week for me to give thanks to the blessing that I receive.  I have this routine time that I like hearing Mass and there’s a particular Church that I like going to because of the Holy Water blessing at the end of Mass.  I adjust the time I hear Mass depending on our Sunday activity.  I have to be honest, there are some Priests who I like listening to because they make a lot of sense – they say short homilies, but mind you there are very meaningful.

For a particular time in my favorite parish – there’s this priest who always has a presentation – he officiates late in the afternoon.  I attend his Mass if I have no other choice of time.  I find that he gives one the best homilies – it’s just that, they’re quite long and it’s a bit dramatic for my taste.  But he makes a LOT of sense.

So yesterday, I attended Mass in a parish nearby.  When I turned my head to see who was officiating – lo and behold, it was that priest.  I laughed inside and told God, ‘Lord, your humor talaga’ and laughed silently.  As usual – he prepared a visual presentation – and as always, it had some technical difficulties.  But he went on with his homily – and I must say, God has this trick up his sleeve – He lead me to a Church that was nearby and comfortable – and He made sure that the officiating priest would say something really meaningful.  I won’t go through the details anymore of the readings and gospel – but instead just share what was the best take away during the Mass that resounded very well with me.  I teared up honestly because I felt that it hit home, I have been struggling with emotional and mental things lately and it was such a perfect explanation.  The Lord does work in mysterious ways.  It was such a wonderful validation.

When I heard this, it was a different feeling.  I can’t explain why I was tearing up, but I did.  This really hit me you know.  I have been struggling lately for the past month, with not so nice feelings I don’t want to validate.  I can’t help but ignore them – but they’re there.  The struggle has been real – and I’m trying my best not to be affected.  And yesterday after Mass, I felt a LOT better, I think it was the answer to my prayers of strength and wisdom.

Before the Mass ended, we were given another activity – which was brilliant in my books.  Read through this very famous bible verse:

Now, instead of saying LOVE and IT, replace it with your OWN NAME.  And say it silently or outloud.  It means so different diba?  It gives this bible verse a new meaning.

It was such a lovely Mass yesterday.  Love is the answer, forgiveness is key – the Lord knows, the Lord sees everything.

I feel a bit stronger.  My day will look a bit brighter and I am smiling – from within. 

Have a blessed Monday everyone.  


  1. Lovell Compoc

    I hope you are okay now Mommy. Hugs. Sometimes when i feel down ( recently too) , i paused for a while. I sometimes read a book of bible verses and diff aspiring stories. It calms me down. I honestly rarely go to church bec i could not concentrate when my baby and toddler have tantrums so we ended up staying outside and chasing them. Pero there's one priest in particular that i feel powerful and touched during homily. Thanks for this blog❤️

  2. Michelle

    That's an amazing activity. Nakaka-lift nga ng spirit. Virtual hugs to you and to our fellow moms who are experiencing struggles in life. We'll always trust, always hope, always persevere. We'll never fail. 😉

  3. Didi

    Thank you so much for reading my post! I appreciate it very very very much!! 🙂
    God Bless you!!!!

  4. Didi

    Thank you Michelle!!! Hugssssssssss…..

  5. cheekeegirl

    I feel you. It really does make sense when I say my name to replace the IT. Thank you!

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