Playful Diapers: One PIECE FULL night + Giveaway!

I am a diaper snob.

There, I said it.  I have certain brands that I like – well, actually – I have only 4 brands that I like.  EQ, Mamy Poko, Goon and Huggies.  All the rest, I honestly don’t bother with them anymore.  Why?  Well, I’ve tried them and they’re not hiyang with my kids. 

I’ve not bought diapers for years, so when I gave birth – first things first, choose a diaper brand that you will *want and wish* to be hiyang with the baby.  I started with EQ for Shobe and so far so good!  I was happy because out of the 4 brands, EQ was the most *economical* of them.   Honestly no matter the status in life – what we want is to get the most of our purchases, and personally – I felt that we had just that with EQ.

After the new year, I received a care package – when I opened it, it contained two packs of Playful Diapers and wipes (this is for another post).  I honestly have NOT heard nor seen the brand around at supermarkets that I frequent.  I honestly thought it was a bit strange, that I didn’t see it before.   Along with the diapers was a small note that indicated their social media accounts @playfulbabydiaper .  I was really curious and so I googled and found the company’s website.  Apparently, the brand has been around for quite a while.  

I opened a pack and checked the diaper.  I must say, the #PlayfulDiaper didn’t look cheap.  I inspected the diaper and it passed my visual standards.  I compared it to EQ and noticed that the length is the same – but the width of Playful is a bit more narrow – it was actually perfect with Shobe.  It didn’t look too chunky (compared to EQ) it fit very well – as Yaya B would say – it looked really sexy!  Hahaha..  So size wise, it was acceptable.  The magic tape is a plus too as we can adjust the diapers easily. Look at the packaging – it says ONE PIECE FULL NIGHT.  It was a challenge that I took to heart.  I really wanted to see if their claim is legit.  So immediately tried it that night.  I was skeptical – checking Shobe’s diapers every so often, touching it and poking the diaper just to make sure it was okay.  She wore her diaper at 7:00pm and there was no change since.  Shobe usually wakes up at 6:30am.

So the next morning, when she woke up, I did the following: I checked her clothing – nothing was wet. I checked the water proof cover that was protecting the bed – it was dry. I then poked on her diaper and it was really full. Another thing was that – Shobe wasn’t complaining or was irritated.  In fact, she was smiley even! This is what her diaper looked like:

As you can see – it’s quite full really full. Please excuse the image of the diaper with poop – but I wanted to show you how full the diaper was:

I was really IMPRESSED and HAPPY that there were NO LEAKS.  NO RASHES. And most of all – NO DIAPER CHANGE the whole night! It was indeed ONE PIECE, FULL NIGHT! One PEACEFUL night – you see what they did there?  Hahaha! And what else?  The price point:

Look at that!  The snob in me is hiding and embarassed now – I mean, look at the pricing, I mean really really look!  How much does one piece come out to, amazing – right?? According to Primero World Allinace Corp., the distributor or Playful Diapers, these diapers are available in Landmark, Unimart, SM Supermarkets, Puregold, Metro Gaisano and in Mercury.  I love that a Filipino company can come up with a budget friendly diaper that is comparable to the quality of those imported ones.  Thank you for thinking of Filipinos – THANK YOU! Again, my motto is sharing is caring – so here’s the Giveaway!!  I’m giving away two (2) packs of Playful Diapers – the size is Small.  So this giveaway is really meant for babies – so they can try it, see the difference and shift to the brand. This giveaway is open to those who have babies that still wear the size SMALL for the diapers.  Just follow below and leave the necessary details: a)  Share this blog post on your social media accounts     *@candishhh is having a #PlayfulDiapers giveaway!  Read her review and JOIN!* b) Tag two (2) of your friends c)  LIKE the #PlayfulDiapers FB page as well as the canDIshhh tales FB Page d)  Leave your name, a valid email address and the URLs of your social media shares on the comment section on the FB post!  (*Note that if you leave a comment here on this blogpost – you will double your chances of winning!!  So leave two (2) comments of the details – one in FB and one here!!) That’s it! Below are some reminders: a)  Make sure that your child can wear size SMALL b)  This giveaway is open to Metro Manila residents only (I will ship the prize for FREE) c)  You have until February 4, 2019 to join – One person One entry.

1 Comment

  1. Roselle Untalan

    Roselle Untalan

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