The Big Bad Wolf PH Book Fair

I’ve honestly never been to a massive book fair.  It was my first time to see that many books in one place.  It was overwhelming and at the same time, very exciting.  I like reading books, I used to buy a LOT when I was still single.  But when I got married, well – the books I bought only gathered dust on my side table.  I can’t seem to find the time to finish a book.

I feel that books are an investment, so whenever we go to a bookstore and the kids like to buy a book, we most of the time let them.  We feel that it’s better to buy books than toys.  What do you think? I remember someone telling me that books, the hard copies (publishing industry) is dying because of the rise of e-books.  I felt sad honestly, it’s still different when you have *kilig* when I see my children open a book and read.  I look at them lovingly when the do it.  Kailee now is especially into reading, she just started to learn to read and it makes me so proud seeing her open books and take time to read instead of asking to borrow the iPad. Last Thursday, a friend of mine visited the PREVIEW of the Big Bad Wolf PH book fair.  I have been seeing it on my IG feed for about a month now and I was really curious.  I mean, to be honest – I didn’t know what was so special about it.  It said though that books were at 60-80% off.  I guess that’s a good enough deal right?  I miss those days when books costs less, but to be honest compared to elsewhere, the cost of books were relatively cheap when I was younger.  I guess the inflation caused the prices to go up, it was normal. I was pestering my friend on her finds.  She was nice enough to send me pictures and the prices.  I told her that if there were good deals, to let me know.  And she did send me the good deals.  Well, relatively the whole book fair had good deals.  She said that children’s books were and endless pit.  There a LOT of tables for them daw.  I didn’t understand what she meant, but with what she was telling me, I assumed it was a LOT.  She came in with her daughter at 11am and left around 5pm.  In my mind, wow – she took her time.  She was telling me to come visit that day as there were only a few people.  To be honest, I didn’t want to brave the traffic.  In my condition, I would be worrying where I will be peeing when it’s traffic. So the next day, I managed to convince my brothers and sisters in law to go.  We took one car and arrived at about 10pm.  The traffic around the area was terrible.  The traffic going inside the WTC was massive, cars were lined up and it seemed like everyone was thinking the same thing.  Once we entered, we discovered that the security and the parking ticket were the ones taking a while thus causing the traffic. There was no line going inside the WTC, once we entered the hall – I was overwhelmed.  I usually have a game plan whenever I enter a massive hall, but seeing all the books – well, it was just too many books!  Hahaha..  It was a good thing my brother in law got us baskets each.  I was pulling the basket while looking at the books.  The first table I saw, I immediately grabbed the book that was of interest to me.  My Panget gave me an evil eye saying to slow down as we were just starting. I was walking and walking and getting books.  Walking and looking.  It was actually dizzying as it was really a LOT of books!  I wanted to get one of each that I saw!  I was so overwhelmed.  My Panget was already complaining that the basket he was pulling was getting heavy.  I think it was a l for us to stop.  I was also getting sleepy and dizzy from all the books that I saw.  Considering the time I think it was passed midnight, well – I was tired already. We headed out to pay past 12 midnight and waited in queue for about 30 minutes.  The cashier hall was cold and was very organized in my opinion.  I liked that there were marshals that were guiding us.  After a few minutes of being in queue, I noticed that the lines were piling up.  It was a good thing that no one had high tempers nor did I notice any commotion – it was very peaceful and quiet.  There were about 30+ counters ready to serve, but it still had lines – perfectly understandable. So this was our #BigBadWolfPH haul

Prices of the books start at P100 and go up to P980.  Sets costs P1,150 to P3,900. Here are my tips: 1.  Go during odd hours if you want the place to yourself.  We went at 10pm and it was a manageable crowd.  No lines to enter the halls but only lines to pay at the cashier (which is undestandable).  I feel like the golden hour is at 4am.  I know, it’s too early but since you want the place to yourself, then – go! 2.  Bring a friend or a helper BUT do not bring kids IF you want to have time to check out the selection one by one.  I do understand that you want to bring your child so they can pick the books, but think about this – they have a short attention span and will probably fill your basket or cart full a few minutes into your shopping.  What you can do to counter this is to bring a yaya or helper to look after them so you can do your own shopping.  There were crying kids and kids that were lost.  So cute and funny though because I heard an announcement *Name of Mom, your child (name of child) is waiting for you at the counter), still organized – right? 3.  Bring a trolley or a bag with wheels as carts and baskets run out.  I saw though on the sides that there were carts and baskets with books that were left.  I really disliked it that people would get books and baskets then just randomly leave them anywhere when they felt not like it.  Filipinos really are not mindful of other people.  Those carts and baskets can be of use by those who really want to buy books.  They could have just handed them to a staff for the staff to unload, right? 4.  Make sure you are well fed and rested before you go.  I thought I was well fed since I came from a dinner, but I was wrong.  The walking made me burn calories, I was so happy that I reached 10,000 steps on my fitbit.  I was so thirsty too while walking.  Unfortunately, food and drinks are not allowed – perfectly understandable since you are dealing with books and to avoid those unfortunate incidences.  I also didn’t see any food stall outside the halls.  So better be well fed and rested as you will do a LOT of walking. 5.  Wear comfortable attire.  That means a good pair of shoes and comfortable clothes. 6.  Cash and Credit Cards are accepted, so there’s not problem with the method of payment.  They have people to assist you if you buy a LOT of books.  Porters!  Soshal…. 7.  Be patient and offer a smile to strangers browsing with you.  It’s open 24 hours a day!  Yes, no closing time and opening times!!  The place is fully air-conditioned too!   You still have until 11:59PM of February 25 to go! Have funnnnnn!!


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