Happy New Year + Giveaways!

Happy New Year! Goodbye 2016 and HELLO 2017!! To start the year right, well – I’ve decided to have a giveaway!  Yey!  Yup, so what am I giving away?  Well, three things: a)  a green Starbucks 2017 Planner (yes, I decided to share again!) b)  a Project Mom book c)  2 pieces of the BagsGoReusable bag that I so soooo love! d)  2 tubes of the Belo Baby Lotion! So, there.

What about the mechanics?  Easy.  Please make sure to READ through them before doing anything.  I’ve noticed that most poeple are not fond of reading through the mechanics – a number of times, your entry gets disqualified because you forgot to do something.  So please, READ through them, it’s fairly easy!! Leave the following details on this post’s comment section: a)  Your Full name, b)  a VALID email address, one that you check on EVERY SINGLE DAY! c)  Which prize you want (Planner or Book or Bag or Lotion) c)  URL of your Twitter or Facebook Share (Twitter share is 1 entry and FB share is 1 entry, DO NOT POST both shares in one post, or else – isang entry lang yon.  Post 1 comment for Twitter URL and 1 comment for FB share, gets?)

@candishhh is having a Happy New Year Giveaway! Planner+Bag+Book+Lotion  http://candishhh.blogspot.com/2017/01/happy-new-year-giveaways.html

d)  What your wish for me this 2017 + what is my birth month!  Heeheee… This giveaway will run through until 11:59PM of January 31, 2017. NOTE:  Prizes are only for PICK-UP in Quezon City.  I won’t be able to ship them for free, so please don’t ask me to ship.  If you’re unable to pick up, then – sorry!! Picture to be uploaded later in the day. Good luck!!


  1. Rocoi

    a) Rocel A. Villasis
    b) rocelalba[at]yahoo.com
    c) Planner 🙂
    d) twitter.com/rocelalba/status/816555235279663104
    e) My wish for you is continuous good health, wealth (because they rhyme haha!), love, happiness, contentment and that you meet more kind people (like the Uber driver and Benjamin, the Japanese man). Your birth month is this January! Happy new year and happy birthday! 🙂

  2. Hershey Ann Gercio

    a) Hershey Ann Gercio
    b) annpaumacbunso[at]gmail.com
    c) Planner
    d) Twitter URL shared post: mobile.twitter.com/annpaumacbunso/status/816601660147585024
    Facebook URL shared post: facebook.com/hersheyanngercio/posts/1768476926804937
    e) my wish is good health for Ms. Didi and to your family as well. More power to your blog. And more blessings to come. Happy Birthday Ms. Didi ❤ God Bless + your birth month is January.. January 26?

  3. Unknown

    a.) Jim Marlon A. Macaraeg
    b.) cyber18sg[at]yahoo.com
    c.) Planner
    d.) Twitter URL: twitter.com/Macaraeg_JimMA/status/816625805220421632
    Facebook URL: facebook.com/jim.macaraeg/posts/10154471083618347?pnref=story
    e.) My wish is for you to continue thriving on your endeavor especially blogging. May you continue to inspire budding bloggers and your readers. More power Ms. Didi — Birth Month is JANUARY

  4. Unknown

    Riyalyn Gatdula
    I want PLANNER! 🙂
    Twitter: @rainkie
    FB: Rain Gatdula
    My wish for you is May God shower you always with so many blessings! Good health to you and your fam.. More blogs to share, experiences, learnings in life! To inspired and motivated us your readers as well! Your Birth month is January! So Happy advance Birthdaaay! Godbless! 😉

  5. Jeanette Layar

    A. Jeanette Erpelo Layar
    B. jenny.erpelo12[at]gmail.com
    C. Planner
    Facebook URL
    Twitter URL
    D. Happy Birthday! Wishing you good health, long life, happiness and prosperity! Your birth month is January!

  6. Anonymous

    Carolyn Ramos
    One of my wish is for you to travel more although I have noticed that you have been hopping to other countries frequently last year! Maybe more Adidas shoes too for comfortable shopping sprees! I wish you happiness in everything you do and may you find more delicious restaurants that live up to your expectations! Your birth month is January! Advance Happy Birthday!

  7. Unknown

    a) Polinda Usero
    b) nicholettez[at]yahoo.com
    c) I like the Planner
    c) FB share: facebook.com/polinda.usero/posts/1549516375065224
    d) My birthday wish for you is good health, peace of mind and more adventure to enjoy! Your birth month is January, no idea sa date, hehe! Same birth month tayo, Jan. 20 ako, weee

  8. Unknown

    a) Polinda Usero
    b) nicholettez[at]yahoo.com
    c) I like the Planner
    c) Twitter share: twitter.com/nicholettes/status/818673522461405185
    d) My birthday wish for you is good health, peace of mind and more adventure to enjoy! Your birth month is January, no idea sa date, hehe! Same birth month tayo, Jan. 20 ako, weee

  9. Unknown

    A. Shaira Luz Ogalinola
    B. shairaluzoga[at]yahoo.com
    C. Starbucks 2017 Planner Please ^^
    D. Twitter: twitter.com/ariahSSS/status/818679949343064067
    Facebook: facebook.com/shairaluz.oga/posts/1793537834243995
    E. Hi, Ms. Candish! What I sincerely wish for you this 2017 is happiness, good health for you and your family, I wish that all of the things you're planning for this year would happen, and many more cool blogs to come! Your birth month is *drumroll* January! Yay! =))

  10. Liz

    a) Liza Aquino
    b) lraquino[at]gmail.com
    c) Book
    c) facebook.com/chilledzhoul/posts/10208398741743055
    d) Birth month is January. As you turn another year older, may you be blessed with more wisdom to share with your readers. May you have greater opportunities, greater love, more prosperity and greater health as you face another challenge that is surely filled with a lot of adventures. Have a greatest birthday as of yet. 🙂

  11. Unknown

    Shandie B. Valdez
    I want to win the Planner 🙂
    Hi Ms. Candishhh! Happy new year! My wish for you po is good health, happy & long life and more success & posts in your blog. God bless! Birth month is January.

  12. Unknown

    Shandie B. Valdez
    I want to win the Planner 🙂
    Hi Ms. Candishhh! Happy new year! My wish for you po is good health, happy & long life and more success & posts in your blog. God bless! Birth month is January.

  13. Unknown

    Carol Chan
    I would love to win the Planner
    Happy Chinese New Year! My wish for you is a year full of blessings as you continue your journey of being the best wife, mom, daughter, friend and blogger. May each day bring you happiness and fulfillment. May you continue to be inspired so that you can be an inspiration to others. Belated Happy Birthday. Your birthday month is JANUARY!

  14. Unknown

    Paula Romana Alagao
    I would love to win 2 pieces of the BagsGoReusable bag! 🙂
    Hi Miss Didi! Happy New Year to you and your family. I wish that you will achieve all of your goals this 2017 and may you have a blessed and great year! Your birth month is definitely January.

  15. Emilie Udasco - Elie Kitty

    a) Emilie Prades Udasco
    b) eliecious@rocketmail.com
    c) Planner
    c) FB post url: facebook.com/ElieciOus/posts/10207818046632395?pnref=story
    Tweet url: twitter.com/ElieciOus/status/825376052977377280
    d) Your birth month is January and I wish you more blessings to your whole family! Belated Happy Chinese New Year and Birthday!

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