Years ago – 2013 to be exact.  I won a prize – and the prize were two (2) pieces of this #BagsGoReusable bags – I won it via Tita K’s Live Love Lolz.  It made such a good impression on me that I brought it with me to Tokyo (which I gave to my friend She).  Since I was left with a lone piece, I decided to contact the brand to buy more – and I did.  Since I soooo love the product, I think after a couple of months, I bought another batch – and even gave it to my friends for Christmas.  

I have at least one piece with me in my bag.  I’ve instructed my yayas to keep one in their bags when we go out.  I bring ALL my #BagsGoReusable bags whenever I travel (local and international).  It has been Kailee’s diaper bag since we started bringing her along whenever we travel (that was in 2013!)  So imagine the YEARS I have been using this product. Two things that I love about this bag: First – you can fold it FLAT – you don’t need to roll it in a certain manner.  All you need is to fold it and put it in your bag – it saves a LOT of space – BELIEVE ME. Second – the material is the one used in parachutes.  So unlike the non woven material of most *eco* bags, this does NOT easily tear when used often.  It’s DURABLE. I used to think that paying around P240.00 for a piece was quite hefty – but you know what – I’ve been using my #BagsGoResusable bags since 2013 – and till now, they’re still very strong and reliable.  Now, that’s the kind of quality I believe in.

Last Friday, I saw a post of the distributor online.  She was doing a mega SALE on the bags – now, she’s selling off her stocks at an unbelievable price of only P150.00 – I swear, it was such a steal that I immediately decided that I wanted to get 15 pieces more to myself.  Yes, that’s how much I believe in the product that I am willing to buy fifteen – yes you read that right – 15 MORE pieces to keep for myself. Since I believe in the product and personally use it on a daily basis – I thought, why not help my friend sell a product that I have so much belief in.

So here I am – pitching to you guys to buy this reusable bag.  They cost Php150.00and I swear, they’re the best kind out there.  It’s washable and doesn’t tear.  Imagine how tough a parachute is – that’s how touch the bag is!! You can order through me, there is NO MINIMUM quantity as long as you can pick up in Quezon City.  Colors are all available.  Shipping charges apply depending on the area. Please do send me an email ( )with your name and contact number if you’re interested, I’ll do my very best to get in touch with you as soon as I can. I hope you can support my friend. Thanks again for reading and I’m looking forward to hearing from you! Merry Christmas!


  1. Anonymous

    Are these eco bags still available at P150?

  2. Didi

    Hi Anonymous! They are still available at P150.00 each.
    Thanks!! Email me at candishhh[at]

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