Nigella Lawson & Contadina

I still can’t believe that I saw Nigella Lawson in the flesh. I’m still in shock – still on a high. Yesterday was surreal. Here’s a sneak peak.

When I first saw her, I thought to myself – she’s REAL.  Hahaha!!  I mean seriously, she’s a real person!  Hahaha..  She’s tall, she’s pretty and she speaks soooo well.  I can listen to her speak for hours.  I was mesmerized. It was really nice to hear her enjoy Filipino food.  It was nakaka-kilig actually because I mean she likes them.  She LOVES calamansi, hahaha!  Isn’t that cute? I can’t stop myself from gushing!  Hahaha!! Here’s a video I *secretly* took of her and Chef Jayps, cute dibaaaaaa??

More posts to come…….


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